I processed the mystery roll of Ilford HP5 film that I remembered Allison giving me last year. I couldnt remember what was on it though. It turned out to be all pictures of Peter from Revere Beach. The ones of the airplanes didn't come out. I always forget to focus on a gray card type equivalent when I am shooting backlight objects. But, It
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Comments 3
I was totally at E.P. Levine's today, and of course that means watching airplanes and seagulls and barges (oh my!)
I love mystery rolls of film! Except mine are mysterious b/c I don't know if they're going to come out or not, as I had this one that I accidentally exposed in the beginning b/c I didn't know if it was advancing, then I accidentally exposed it at the end b/c I forgot to rewind b4 opening the back. And then I forget what pictures I've taken.
But shot logs? Psha! :P
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