My LiveJournal Trick-or-Treat Haul_ImFe goes trick-or-treating, dressed up as Bijou.
_beatdown tricks you! You get a penny.
_blackflame gives you 16 light green coconut-flavoured gummies.
cryingblack gives you 1 dark green passionfruit-flavoured gumdrops.
emerald_thread tricks you! You lose 1 pieces of candy!
emptygod tricks you! You lose 8 pieces of
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Comments 7
We really should meet up, youse going to the pioneer on saturday?
Kat xx
No, pencils are xCoolxCorex. XD
Yes, we should meet up indeed. Saturday, hummm.... I don't see why not. Not gonna go in though, cannot effing afford it.
Coming to think of it, I cannot afford much anything nowadays.
Rie x
How much does it cost? i really should know but oh well, i just kinda hand over the money and dont bother counting the change cos im stupid, im verging on skint too, thats what you get for wanting to go to concerts lol.
Kat xx
Usually around £4-£6... Actually, I'm getting paid tomorrow. I CAN afford it. XDDDD
Yus. Ima going.
Oh oh oh, seeing Lost Prophets on the 17th of November baby, ooooohr yah!!!! XD So excited already, Becca knows one of them personally, so it's backstage for us, yus it is. ^________________________________^;
Hey, do you have msn?
Rie x
<3 <3 <3
-bows down to the almighty ruler of socks who is you-
Rie x
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