le bored

Jan 02, 2005 01:38

Right. I've been playing Neverwinter Nights since about 7pm this evening with a 10 minute pumpkin pie break just before 11:30. It really doesn't seem like it has been 6.5hrs of game play - honest.

To deter my boredom from coming back ...

-gone to a party?: no, actually
-tried something new?: who hasn't?
-had someone change your life?: yes - at least one
-kissed someone?: of course
-told your family & friends you love them?: love is a strong word to use with the family
-bought something extravagant?: yes- the $100 Urban Outfitters jacket I got with Will!! *<3 jacket*
-done something nice for yourself?: yea- I'm finally vegging and doing nothing but "game"
-done something terribly wrong?: oh yes
-moved?: soon
-gone to a concert?: several

|best of the year|
-party: darling, I don't go to parties
-show: Law&Order: SVU, how I love
-cd: Lest We Forget
-movie: Shrek 2
-song: oh oh ... Float On is pretty high up there ... The Dope Show too ... no - I Miss Your by Blink 182 is the best song (for me)
-experience: making peace with a friend
-concert: err ... omg, Van Halen
-book: DaVinci Code
-month: I didn't mind October
-day: oh well dear, that's a toughie -- I didn't have a day that just jumps out in my mind that was good and worthwhile

|hopes for '05|
-predict something that you believe will happen: I'm going to make some awesome friends at RIT and have no problem getting into the college groove
-what do you hope changes about your country?: government doesn't bother me but, to each his own
-what do you hope for yourself?: I hope I open up more to people and stop being so drawn into myself
-what do you hope for your family?: several things, one of which that my parents keep their arguments to themselves -- just because we are a family doesn't mean everything has to be a family affair *grumble*
-what do you hope for your best friends?: I get to spend more time with them outside of school/visit them more

|during '04|
-where were you when it began?: I came down about 5 mintues before the dall dropped with my mom's laptop hooked up to the net so I wouldn't have to talk to me dad
-did you stay up?: yes
-what was your new year wish?: I'm ... not sure actually
-how many boyfriends?: er ... two?
-broke up?: two
-care to mention names?: uh, no
-new friends?: Emily and Allison, Jenny, Mish, Melissa, Jon, Adam, Jill
-had to say goodbye?: no, not really - not yet anyhow
-missed anyone?: indefinately
-win anything?: yes, actually
baroquebodomite's journal: oh, and the WTF award for the day goes to_inanition_: WTF??
-best place you went to?: er, school? wpi?
-worst place you went to?: er, home? - no, NANTUCKET
-happiest moment?: in 2004? After peace was made, there was a moment after Thanksgiving break that had me all warm and fuzzy inside too
-how was your birthday?: le crap
-best present?: um, I dunno

|2-0-0-4| Things to Remember
-january: argue
-february: SPREAD, niceness, saddness
-march: maui
-april: nothing
-may: argue
-june: U Mich began
-july: U Mich: Cozi, Middle Earth, spending money, food - ooh the possibilities *cough*Scott*cough*
-August: tense, veggitate, argue
-september: argue, senior year - I was motivated for like, two weeks and that was it
-october: the Pre Frosh weekend, the not sleeping
-november: the not sleeping, the fallout, Thanksgiving
-december: getting into RIT, new boy, then no boy, veggitation, Neverwinter Nights

|if you were stranded on an island...|
-who would you take?: my friends?
-who would you take if you could only bring two people?: oh man - who do I want to be stuck with on an island? Well, I suppose the real question is who would want to be stuck with me on an island
-what three things would you bring?: pencils, drawing book, a shot gun
-what island would you want to be stranded on?: you know, Japan is an island as is Singapore
-what animal would you kill for food?: right. i'd become a vegitarian
-would you write on the sand?: well, it depends
-would you panic or relax?: i'd relax. I always relax when I'm getting screwed over.

-who did you last get angry with?: the collective parental units
-what is your weapon of choice?: a quiet voice
-would you hit a member of the opposite sex?: I would never hit anyone unless it was in self denfence in which cause sex doesn't matter
-how about of the same sex?: see above
-who was the last person who got really angry at you?: parents
-do you keep grudges, or can you let them go easily?: I tend to be an extremist -- either I don't care and let it go instantly or I hold onto it forever

-what is one thing you're supposed to do daily that you haven't done in a long time?: haha, there is nothing I'm supposed to do -- parents have given up making me do chores and stuff
-what is the latest you've ever woken up?: I think I clocked in 1:30 or 2 the other day
-Name a person you've been meaning to contact, but haven't: well, I wanted to talk to Adam but I have no plans on doing that in the near future --- eh, well - there are lots of people I would like to talk with
-what is the last lame excuse you made? I don't make excuses. I just don't do shit.
-have you ever watched a long info-mercial all the way through?: no - not that I remember
-when was the last time you got a good workout in?: not in a long, long time
-how many times did you hit the snooze button on your alarm clock today?: alarm? what's that?

-what is your overpriced yuppie beverage of choice?: uh - oh, Miami Vice
-meat eaters: yay meat
-what is the greatest amount of alcohol you've had at once?: nothing of consequence
-have you ever used a professional diet company?: nope
-do you have an issue with your weight?: of course
-do you prefer sweets, salty foods, or spicy foods?: apparently, my tounge doesn't understand the concept of "too sweet"
-have you ever looked at a small housepet / child & thought,'LUNCH?': what? ew, no

-how many people have you seen naked (not counting movies/family/babies)?: 4 people have seen me without a shirt and 2 of those 4 have indeed seen me completely nude
-how many people have seen YOU naked (not counting physicians/family)?: I have seen 4 guys without their pants andd 2 of those 4 guys also had no shirt on and one of those 2 guys that had the shirt on I had seen him with his shirt off earlier
-have you ever caught yourself staring at the chest/crotch of a member of your gender of choice during a normal conversation?: no
-have you "done it" (real sex)?: yes
-what is your favourite body part on a person of your gender of choice?: hands
-have you ever been propositioned by a prostitute?: no
-have you ever had to get tested for an STD or pregnancy?: no

-how many credit cards do you own?: 1 but i lost it in my car
-what's your guilty pleasure store?: Urban Outfitters
-if you had $1 million, what would you do with it?: omg, computer
-would you rather be rich or famous?: rich
-would you accept a boring job if it meant you would make megabucks?: no
-have you ever stolen anything?: yes
-how many MP3s are on your hard drive?: almost 2000

-what's one thing you have done that you're most proud of?: got into college? I'm not sure - that seems like the default answer though
-what one thing have you done that your parents are most proud of?: got into RIT
-what's 1 thing would you like to accomplish in your life?: stability - even if that means I'll become a stable beggar
-do you get annoyed by coming in second place?: well, it hruts everyone's ego to get 2nd but, I don't get offended
-have you ever entered a contest of skill, knowing you were of much higher skill than all the other competitors?: yes
-have you ever cheated on something to get a higher score?: no
-what did you do today that you're proud of?: I played on my computer and I didn't get eyestrain

|last but not leasts..|
-last bed you were in *that wasn't yours*?: Cliff's
-what are you doing right now?: nothing
-what are you thinking about?: that I should go to bed soon
-who are you talking to?: no one
-what's your favorite letter in the alphabet?: I enjoy the letter S
-do you have aol or aol instant messanger?: Adium
-what's your screen name?: kitikatou
-what's your email address?: the.katou@gmail.com
-do you have a crush?: no, not really
-if so, who?:
-why do you like him/her?: my former crushes have all had long hair and been nice, quiet kids
-how long have you had a crush on been intrigued by him/her?: n/a
-were you friends before you liked him/her?: looking at my past, that would be a negative
-do you have a gf/bf?: no
-if so, who?: n/a
-do you love him/her?: n/a
-how long have you been together?: beat 28 days
-how did you two meet? n/a
-last time you saw the opposite sex in their underwear?: when I was last at wpi
-know any scary true stories?: no
-if so, what?:
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