1.What's your name? Meagan
2.Do you like your name? Not the name but the spelling
3.Do others around you like your name? Who cares.
4.What's the first name or nickname of your best friend(s)? Meghan, Brandy
5.Do you like their name? yes being Meghan has the same name and Brandy is an alcoholic beverage
6.If you have a b/f or g/f, or just a crush, what is their first name, or whatever you call them by?Derek
7.Do you like that name? adorable
8.How many people are in your immediate family? (Parents, siblings, and yourself) 5
9.How do you usually dress? Same jeans,yoga pants, my hoodie and all different clothes
10.How would you like to dress, regardless of others' opinions, price, etc..? gothic, duh.
11.If you owned a clothing line and the store to sell it in, what would you name the store? Wrong Way (inside joke)
12.If someone gave you ten million dollars, what would you do with it? i would buy myself an agent, make a killer portfolio a loft in NYC for my family and me and money for college for my brothers and me.
13.If someone yells at you, like a brat at school or something, how do you react? i yell back.
14.If someone yells at your friend, how do you react? I calmly grab them by the neck and tell them to hush
15.Do you get along with your parents very well? my mom yes
16.What about your siblings, do you get along with them? negative.
17.If you were babysitting, or you were with your friend and they were babysitting, and the baby threw food at you, what would you do? throw it back.
18.Do you have a friend that likes to sing? nope
19.Does that friend sing prettily in your opinion? nope
20.Do you like to sing? yess
21.Do you think you sing pretty? sure
22.Do others think you sing pretty? Who’s keeping score
23.What's your favorite kind of music? Indierockrockrock.
24.What country do you live in? america
25.Are you male or female? Female
26.What do you think of the person that made this stuff, and be honest. They’re awesome
27.Why did you decide to do this? i'm bored on a Sunday afternoon
28.What do you like to do after school/work? i work then do homework. Kind of lame but hey
29.What kind of t.v. show do you like to watch most? America's Next Top Model.
30.What's your favorite Cartoon show? Rockos modern life
31.If you watch anime or read mangas (or both) which is your favorite? Only the pornographic kind
32.Do you like to draw, paint, or photograph, or something else? I like to oil paint, I like Polaroid’s and digital photography
33.Have you ever heard of Deviant Art? Yes
34.Do you post any type of artwork anywhere? sometimes
35.Do you like to write stories, poems, or songs maybe? all
36.If you do, would you ever let me read any of it? who are you
38.What's your favorite color(s)? yellow green and teal
39.What's your favorite food(s)? i like all food really.
40.What's your favorite drink(s)? diet coke with lime & h20
41.What's your birthstone? pearl
42.What's the theme of your bedroom? all different colors
43.What's in your cd player right now? i have an iPod.
44.What did you have for dinner tonight? my mom made homeade chinese food
45.What's your favorite candy? mike & ikes
46.What's your favorite hard candy flavor? that's a tough one.
47.Least favorite? broccoli
48.Do you believe in fate/destiny? absolutly
49.How often do you have kinky thoughts? all de time
50.What kind of perfume/cologne do you wear? Vanilla spray or abercrombie
51.Is your hair long, short, or medium? short
52.What color are your eyes? blue/grey
53.What's your favorite subject in school? photography
54.What's your least favorite subject? Math
55.What's the strangest thing you've ever done? Probably when i had a really deep conversation about life with a homeless man.
56.What's the stupidest thing you've ever done that you don't mind telling?walked into a wall two times in a row
57.What's the last book you read? The lovely bones
58.Do you like stuffed animals? Very much so.
59.What are your hobbies?I am a girl of many hobbies
60.What's your favorite "mythical creature"? Shmeegal even though i hate lord of the rings.
61.How much do you like Michael Jackson? no
62.What's your favorite ice cream flavor? Mint chocolate chip green
63.Pizza toppings? Pineapple!!
64.What's the last place you went with any of your friends to have fun?Spent 6 days in North Carolina with my best friend and a few other cool people
65.Have you ever smoked a cigarette? yes
66.Have you ever had a drink of alcohol? yes
67.Do you go to school dances? i went in junior high but i dont think they have them now.
68.Do you even like to dance? yes
69.Do you think you look good? when i'm doing the napoleon dynamite dance,then yes
70.Do others think you look good? doubt it
71.Which of your friends is the strangest and why? Meghan. She's just like me
72.What was your favorite childhood game? Lock mom in the closet for 5 days.
73.Do you think nap time needs to be reinstituted in higher grades?No, kids would be like, yeah naptime in the back of the class then be having like sex or something
74.What was your favorite thing to carry around with you when you were little? my MEAD notebook. I thought i was Harriet the spy.
75.What was your favorite color back then? purple
76.When your relationships end in a break-up, is it usually your idea, theirs, or mutual?It's usually me. i never know what i want.
77.Have you ever dumped anybody? yes
78.Have you ever been dumped? too many times.
79.Do the two of you ever become friends again, or is it just hate all the way? Yeah,mostly everyone i dated i still talk to.
80.Have you ever gone out with a past ex?yes
81.What do you think of these questions so far? They’re typical
82.Obviously I'm running out of ideas... what
83.How have you been lately? yeah, your questions are getting effin' dumb.
84.What time is it right now where you are? 7:08 PM
85.Where is your dreamhome? nyc
86.Do you have any piercings, and where? a million in my ears
87.Tattoos? Where? Nope
88.Do you have a favorite scar? Where is it? i have none. i am the highlander
89.What's your favorite holiday? The Last day of school. It's always been considered a holiday in my book
90.What's your favorite aspect of the (good-looking) opposite sex, physically? eyes,body, personality
91.What 3 personality traits does a person have to have to catch your interest? Sincerity,charisma, humor
92.Are you bored of this yet? yes
93.How long have you been a member of livejournal? like 3 years
94.Do you have any mule accounts? How many? No?
95.Can I have a hug? no
96.Can I give you a hug? die.
97.Do you like cats or dogs better? Dogs
98.Denim or Leather? demin
99.How old are you? 16
100.Did you have fun? No!