__ Introduction
1♥ Name? Christina
2♥ Gender Female
3♥ Age? 16
4♥ Grade in school/occupation? 11
5♥ Ethnicity? White
** ♥ Tell us more about yourself (sexuality, relationship status, hair color, eye color, favorite color, what kind of music you like to listen to, or whatever you'd like. (PLEASE make it worth reading, because this application isn't that long.) Im really into music i listen to everything As I lay dying, Murderdolls, Jimmy Eat World, Celldweller, Cradle of Filth, Eagles, System of a down, Sublime, The Distillers, MSI, Blink 182, Ozzy, Nine inch Nails, Britney Spear, From Autumn To Ashes, Rascal Flats, The used, My chemical Romance, Slipknot, Motley Crue, AC/DC, Wednesday 13, Guns n Roses, Mushroomhead, Ill Nino, and Micheal Jackson! Im bisexual and have had a couple relationships with girls. Right now i am in a serious relationship with a male. We dated two years ago but then i broke up with him and we just recently got back together! Im ana. I love Are you afraid of the dark, The Simpsons, That 70’s show, Stella, Ahh Real Monsters, and Degrassi! Even tho i only get 9 tv channels where i live. Im very open minded but i am also very opinionated especally when it comes to my beliefs. Im blunt. I hate stereotypes and dont try to fit in with any "clicks". Ive played soccer for 8 years. Im taking college classes this year, i want to work in social services. I cant say what my hair looks like, it is always changing.
__ Show us what's on the inside (personality questions, & such).
1♥ Describe yourself in THREE words. determined,blunt,diffrent
2♥ What have you learned most out of life, and how did you learn it? i learned to be myself and never to change who i am for someone else. I am who i am and i dont want to fit in with any specific crowd.
3♥ What would you say your TWO most attractive traits are inside (personality), and out (looks)? my eyes and my out look of situations
4♥ How do your friends see you (the advice giver, the one who's always there, or what)? WOW.. umm the one who is always there and can make good about a bad situation and always make you smile!
5♥ Who, or what do you think influenced you to act the way you do the most? i think music is my biggest influence.
6♥ Post a picture that describes you, & your personality the most (THE PICTURE CAN'T BE OF YOU). You don't have to do this one, but it's a plus if you do.
__ Things that make you different (opinion questions).
1♥ What do you think of capital punishment (the death penalty)?I think it is justified in some cases. What really makes me mad is when a child molester or a murder get out, why let them go and give them another chance to do the same thing again. Im non-religous and i know some people might have arguments that you are playing god by supporting the dealth penalty. And i really dont feel like making this into a big issue on here it will just end up with talk on religion.
2♥ What celebrity, or celebrities do you think infulences people (particularly kids, & teenagers)? All of them. If kids see cekebrities smoke, they are going to want to try it. Alot of kids are becomeing ana just to look like certain celebritys. There is no reason you need to chance to please our socity. Its screwed up enough already.
__ Let's get random (random questions, & such).
1♥ Describe your "style." Diffrent, im really against lables i mean, who were the shallow idiots who started labeling people based on looks? or is it just our screwed up society? I'm not punk, goth, prep, jock, geek/nerd/dork, whatever...I'm just ME. I listen to what i like, i dress how i like, and i'm friends with people from all cliques.music, clothes, cliques...it has NOTHING to do with who you are as a person.
2♥ Tell us a joke, or post something FUNNY (make us laugh).
3♥ What do you think of this
_insideandout overall (the application, the layout, the members, or whatever)? Seems intrest and something i would like to be a part of.
4♥ What could we do to improve
_insideandout? ... i will have to think about that.
5♥ How could you benefit this community (why should you be accepted)? im very active in all my communitys and opionated.
** ♥ PROMOTE US AT LEAST ONE PLACE (be careful to whom you promote to), & show us the where you promoted (you may promote with either banner on the info page, just copy & paste).
http://www.livejournal.com/users/determined2byou/708.html __ Show us what's on the outside (POST AT LEAST TWO CLEAR PICTURES).
Also, please post a 100x100 picture of you (for the member's page just in case you get accepted).