I haven't updated for a while as this month has been insane. I like not being bored, but I'm exhausting myself completely. So much dancing with the exam coming up.. death. Today I've taken three grade six exam classes plus helped with a grade 4 class. Rather tired as I'm sick too. Ick.
Random thoughts:
- Lots of preparing for the grad banquet at the moment
- Got interviewed by the New VI with Tanya about dry grad stuff, but it ended up being edited to a sentence by Tanya and us walking towards the school, plus lots of footage on Esquimalt(?)'s ceremony & banquet.
- I can't believe exams are coming up soon.. this is ridiculous. I swear there's like a month left.
June 1: Grad ceremony! I still can't comprehend that I'm actually graduating this year. It seems that not so long ago I was helping out at last year's ceremony. My grandpa took a billion pictures in the backyard of me in my gown. Reminds me of all my baby pictures-- ten pictures of me in the same outfit in slightly varying poses. Maybe I'll post a couple of the good ones later. The speeches in the beginning weren't awfully terrible, but everybody's walking across took a ridiculously long time. Plus I was in the front row so that was gross, had to look somewhat interested all the time.
June 4: Westcoast Ballet Year-End: Totally exhausting day. It began with rehearsals at 10:45am.. ick. Then I taught three of Dana's classes: gr 1 ballet, gr 2 modern and junior jazz. The kids were absolutely adorable. Then off to spacing rehearsals @ UVic and then getting ready for the performance. There were some amusing mistakes.. like for one of my classical ballet pieces, this random jazz music came blaring on..
Some things I'll always remember:
- the Finding Nemo piece that my sister was in... I taught two of the classes that were in it (the gr 1s being one of them). There was one little girl that was the 'shark'.. sooooo ridiculously adorable. I wanted to steal her.
- the gr5/int. modern piece that was a dedication to Alex's mom. Her mom died suddenly this year, and it has hit everyone really hard. I don't think the video will be able to capture the atmosphere, but it was so deeply touching and emotional. Everyone was crying.. including the girls on stage. Alex somehow kept her composure until she came off the stage, I don't know how she did it. She's only my sister's age, eleven.