Sharing some icons. These icons are dedicated to a few of my lovely LJ friends (you know who you girls are! *coughs* I hope you guys "LOVE" them! :P *g* Oh! I even saved them in GIF!!
[17] BTVS - mostly Spike
[16] House
[14] QAF
47 total.
I worked so hard on the 'experiment'.... !! )
Comments 12
Thia, you have been one of my idols in the graphics world for so long, I bet you've heard this before, but wow. I have entire folders of your artwork saved (from all the way back to your Insomniac Brushes days, when you had a portfolio then)... from your really sparkly shiny style to your grungy beautiful collage style... alright, I'm babbling now. But just know that you rule. Your resources always rule too, and I'm glad that you were kind enough to share them with us for so long.
/end squeeee. xD
*cough*are you online anytime soon*cough*?
Amazing I really love them.
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