~ recovering from severe hurling illness...my tum is still tender...I had IV fluids on Thursday and was off work Friday too. What th'..?!
~ suffering street-art-related-depression and despair due to the suddenly thousands of wack little taggers all over my town. I'm tired of looking at all that scribble.
~ trying to devote more time each day to drawing
~ still settling into my new place...reconciling my stuffpile...starting a lot of little improvement projects at home and getting impatient with not having enough $ to finish any of them right away.
~ surrendering to a powerful, yet completely forbidden, crush on someone and letting myself sink into dreamy electric emotional honeysweet thoughts of this person's beautiful voice, hands, skin, smile soul unbound hair falling words & how we could melt together into forever and ever and ever...someone who really knows what love is.
~ going to the gym ~ yay!~ I got 6 months. boo-ya!
~ not going to any parties. people seem so shallow sometimes.