Actually, I just had what you call a "healthy bicker", mostly it was me saying "Thats ignorant" like Michael Jackson to everything my Dad said which resulted in him chasing me around the house throwing things at one another, but whatev, thats ignorant. So yeah i know how you feel, hang tough, GIRL POWER!
well well well its ms. jaclyn, this is joe by the way, add me poop chute, but yeah youre lucky you have a good relationship with your parents, so then you dont end up like me....expelled and recovering from drugs!!! not to mention my mom treats me like a parasite and my dad shows some sympathy because he was the same way, but yeah weeee bye!
Re: jaclyn.....HI_jaclyn_says_July 1 2004, 17:37:40 UTC
JOEEEEE!!!!! Ahh, I miss you!!! I feel blessed to have a good relationship with my parents, I'm sure one day you and your parents will see eachother eye to eye as well. I LOVE YA!!! By the way, we so need to hang out!
parents can really be a-holes, but trust me that a 12am curfew really isnt so bad for being 16. I'm almost 18 and just for my moms conveinence im normally home around 11 because i dont like making her stay up for me. Sometimes I'll come home at 12:30 at the latest and if its any later than that i usually just spend the night where ever i am. So if your going to come home at 3, dont bother, just call and say your spending the night earlier in the day.. it always works.
parents are full of bullshitrabbottJuly 1 2004, 17:18:42 UTC
i feel ya. my parents change my curfew everyday. some days it's 9, some 11, but most of the time it's 5...yeah i know, 5:00, now that's bullshit. they say it's cause they want me home for dinner. but then they won't let me go anywhere after that. hahahaha i'm such a fucking loser, i'm gonna be 18 in 5 months and i have a 5:00 parents can suck my dick.
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