(no subject)

Sep 03, 2005 01:10

Please read this if you have a heart

If you think you are cruelty free, you are probably wrong. so ytou don't wear fur, well ask your self this, would you pay someone to punch an animal in the face, you would say no, but in reality you do every day, if you eat meat , dairy, or eggs, you contribute to the cruelty of animal, so first off is dairy cows, female cows are constently inpregnaded so they can provide milk and birth, but what you don't know is when the farmers see its time to milk the cow they hook them up to painful machines about 4 to 5 times a day, wich is very draining fot the female cow, then when the baby calf is born they chain it in to little boxes so they can't move and so there muscles wont develop, so when they kill the cow and sale it for meat the meat is nice and soft, thats what they like to call veal. then after giving birth like 10 times the femal cows are cripple and lame and seriosly can't walk anymore, so they put them on trucks by jabbing them with stick shokers and send them off to be killed. Male cows are castraded with hand cutter without any pain killers, incase you have no clue what castrated means it means they cat there balls off. or if they are used for reperduction they let them fuck eachother then send the males off for sluaghter, in the slaughter hose the cows are shot in the back of the head with bult guns, 40% of the time that doesnt do it, so they hang the cow upside down from its leggs, breaking them, and the a butcher cuts its throat till it bleeds toeath, not fun,

CHIKENS, are treated just as poorly, they are cooped up in little pens not even, little cages where thay can bearly turn around, and living in a small space like that makes them go insane and they start eating eachothe, so now adays they debeak them with a hot razor blade, than after being forsed to lay eggs in shitty condidtions, wich takes around 48 hours for a full grown chik to lay one egg, they toss them litrely toss them by there legs into boxes or transporters damaging and hurting them, then at the sluater hosue they are hung by shackles and have there throats cut my an electric razor, most of the chikens do die right away so when they are but in scolding water to remove the fathers they are stillalive, imaging having your face stuck in a frialatore.

And if you gonna say god put animals on earth for us to eat, you are right, but he didnt put them on earth to be tortured, so if you are gonna choose to eat those things you should be like the indians and go out and kill them as painlessly as possible thats the real way, and if you choose to contiue iting this shit i haop for now on your bacon squeels and not crackles in the pan.

So please stop paying people to do these things just for a little twinky or some cake or a burger, there are somany alternitives out there it it is so mnuch more healthier.

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