Full Name: Jessica Jewell Stevens
Gender: Female
Age: 16
School: University of New Hampshire
Parents: Scott and Jodie Stevens
Birthday: October 9th
Height: 5’ 6"
Hair length: shoulders
Siblings: 1 sister
Pets: nope, sadly
Point in life: going to leave home in 12 days
Job: I ‘m a teacher, a gardener, a babysitter and some other stuff.... all overlapping
Mood: tired, depressed, lonely, happy to be talking to my friends, hopeful that I didn’t screw everything up, lonely
Have ne piercings: nope
Have ne tattoos: not yet
How do you view life: I’m not sure, it depends on the moment
Do You
Wear contacts: yes
Wear glasses: when I’m not wearing contacts
Smoke ne thing: do you THINK I’m stupid?
Drink ne kind of alcohol: ummmmm...... who’s reading this?
Fuck random ppl in elevators: yeah, you wish.... ;)
Have you ever:
Run away: yeah, but sadly I came back
Broken someone's heart: I doubt it - people don’t care about me like that.... although it’s possible
Been in love: I used to think I was, but I now realize that no, I haven’t been in love
Cried when someone died: yes - many times, unfortunately
Wanted someone you knew you couldn't have: yeah....
Broken a bone: no
Lied: yes - anyone who says they haven’t is a liarCried in school: oh yes, we all know it
Had sex with someone: ummm... who’s reading this??
Jumped off a bridge: nope - but I want to some day
Gotten high: ummm.... no??
Gotten drunk: umm.... no??
Kissed someone of the same sex: not unless you count my mom, aunts, grandmas, that kinda kiss
Fallen for your best friend: nope
Been rejected: yes. Too many times to count. But I don’t blame anyone but myself.
Been in love: again, I thought so, but I know better now
Been in lust: yup
Used someone: I don’t think so
Been used: oh yes. OH YES.
Been cheated on: I think so... but I’m not sure
Cheated on someone: nope
Gone out wit someone to make someone else jealous: no
Stolen any thing: not that I remember
Broken the law: yes - speeding... yeah... oops...
Stripped for someone: nope... but I have been asked... :) good times, man, good times
Gave someone a lap dance: no
Flashed/mooned someone in public: no
Like someone and been too afraid to tell them/ask them out: Yup
Who: whose reading this??
Gone out with a person you had been crushing on for a while: yeah
Who :whose reading this?
Pictured your crush or bf/gf naked: hehehe, maybe…who hasn't?? (that’s a quote from shanny)
Had a one night stand: nope
Been in more than one relationship at once: nope, I wouldn’t cheat or double
Smacked a teacher: nope, but I’ve wanted to, until I was a teacher and realized how annoying some students are
Threw something at a teacher: nope
Pole danced for someone: at a dance... but nothing sexy
Wanted to have sex with someone u hadn't had it with yet: nope, I haven’t had sex
What are you doing right now: filling out this survey, talking to people, laying on the floor
What do you wish you were doing right now: hanging out with specific people
What are you wearing right now: painting jeans and two beaters
What are you listening to right now: Excuse me while I kill myself by Sentenced and anything else on my playlist
What are you watching right now: umm, the words I’m typing appear on the screen
What are you eating right now: nothing
What are you drinking right now: nothing, I wish I was drinking something, though
What are your screen names: Yahoo: bulldozerbabe
ICQ : 280152804
AIM: IAmJessicaJewell
Do you wish you were doing right now: no one at the moment
Are you going out with: I’m not going out with anyone.... but it’s weird
How long: n/a
Who asked who out: n/a
Are you happy with them: n/a
How far have you gone with them: yah... none of your business....
Is your crush: umm.... don’t have a crush
Has a crush on you: no one
Wants to fuck you: don’t know, probably no one
Wants to rape you: that’s just a sick question - I agree shanny
Is your idol: Johnny Damon, or maybe his fiancé
Your god: God.
Do you hate the most: umm..... not really anyone specifically, well, yeah, but I’d feel petty saying so here....
Who Was The Last Person:
You talked to: umm, Stephen on the phone, Shanny and Sierra and Stephen on the net
Danced with: kinda danced with someone, but I dunno...
You hugged: umm.... don’t know. I need a hug now, though
You instant messaged: see above
You had sex with:
You yelled at: I don’t remember yelling recently - not even at my little kids lol
broke your Heart: whoa, too complicated... no one really, but everyone too... I’m a loser, that’s all
Who told you they loved you: Stephen
You called: umm, I don’t know, probably Stephen yesterday
Called you: Stephen this morning
Hung out with: umm.... no one, I don’t want my friends to deal with me like this
You kissed: Jay
You thought about: the people I’ve been talking to today and Jay... I wish I knew what was up
You wanted to spend time with: Shanny, sierra, laura, stephen, jay, and any one else who cares
You wanted to do something with: my friends (just hang out with them) - I agree with shanny
You missed: Way too many people....
You dreamt about: … umm... I had a really weird dream this morning, I don’t remember who was in it
Coolest: If they weren’t all cool, then I’d be stupid
Nicest: um, probably Laura
Meanest: can’t say, don’t want to make anyone mad
Most Fun: depends on what kinda fun.... but I love hanging out with sierra and laura
Most adventurous: umm.... stephen maybe? The guy who sets his driveway on fire?
Coolest car: ummmmm, someone’s truck... not mine, though .... lol
Best house: sierra
Shortest temper:
Most talented: what kind of talent?
Funniest track record: I don’t know
Weirdest taste in the opposite sex: A certain someone who likes me for some unknown reason
Same sex: what????
Oddest sense of humor: umm... I don’t know
Dirtiest mind: can’t say
Most unusual ideas: no idea
Song reminds you of them: ummmmm, I don’t know
Who do you trust the most: I trust all my friends
Shortest: I don’t know
Tallest: I don’t know
Sweetest: Shanny
Smartest: Laura
Horniest: probably K. But maybe a couple of others
Honest: I’m not sure...
Annoying: I’m the most annoying of all my friends, even though I’m not a friend lol
Goth: Stephen
Punk: ummmm, I don’t know
Prep: not sure
Jock: I’m not sure if they would count, so I won’t say
Original: I’m not sure
Cutest: I’m not sure
Prettiest: again, I"m not sure
Hottest: I don’t know if they would count as a friend, so I won’t say
Sexiest: see above
Kinkiest: lol.... I don’t want to offend anyone
Easy to get along with: Shannon, Laura
Hardest to get along with: not sure
Makes you laugh the most: ummmmm.....
Makes you smile: Shanny
Always make you feel better: shanny, laura
Is your wild child: hmmmm
Is your anchor: I’m not sure... probably two hermanas from church
Will always be in your heart: Shanny, my little sister, and all of my friends...
Closest: Shanny, laura, sierra - until camp, COME BACK lol - and a few others
Most distant: K.
Total dumbass: can’t say, don’t want to offend
Most logical: ummm..... not sure
Worst ideas: the same one who set the driveway on fire lol
Friends most likely to:
Get pregnant before their 16: can’t say....
Before their 20: can’t say....
Eat live insects: "don’t we all eat a spider before we die?" - I like shanny’s answer to this one
Marry someone in secret: oh man... good times
Die a virgin: hopefully none of my friends... sex is a pleasure meant to be enjoyed
Jump off a bridge for fun: ummmm, take a guess
Get hit by a car: again, guess
Get sent to jail: again, guess
Marry an animal: hehe.... I like this question
Go to an ivy league college: ummmm, time will tell
Make lots of money:
Be a bum on the street: hehe, I like this question too
Eyes: Brown, sometimes hazel-ish
Hair: PINK!!!! I love it
Pants: blue jeans with pink and white paint spatters
Shirt: White
Underwear: light blue with a super man logo
Room your in right now: floral, white, pinky
Your bedroom: ALL pink... such a little girl’s room, it’s cool
Car(s): my big ol’ blue chevy truck.... my family’s big ol’ blue truck
Nail polish: pearl white on my fingers, PINK on my toes
Shoes: none.... I love summer shoes.... bare feet or flip-flops
School colors: green and white
Skin: kinda a light tan, defined lines lol
Which Is Better:
Guyz or gurlz: NO:::: Guys or Girls, I’d say both. Guys for a date, girls and guys for friends
Blondes or Brunettes: neither.... PINK
Pepsi or Coke: root beer
Sprit or 7Up: umm..... I don’t much careAIM, MSN, or yahoo: AIM, yahoo kinda creeps me out
Hugs or kisses: I love being kissed, and I love being held, but from "just a friend" I’d go hugs
UNLESS you’re talking about the hershey’s kind... then I’d go hugs, all the time
Relationships or one night stands: relationships. No question.
Rock music or Rap R&B and hop-hop: rock
Cars, jeeps, or trucks: trucks with good milage, otherwise motorcycles
Tall or short: I prefer my date to be taller than me, but whatever
Cats or dogs: both are awesome - cats for sleeping on my bed, dogs for running with
Fish or birds: both - I raised two baby birds by hand, but I can only have fish in the dorm
Love or like: Love
Hot or cute: hot for a date
Tongue ring or no tongue ring: I can’t wait to get my tongue pierced
Tattoos or piercing: on me, both - I want my tounge done and a small musical note tattoo, but no HUGE tattoos or many other piercings... on me or anyone else....
Beer or wine: umm... depends on when. Beer for just chilling, wine for a little bit of class
Flowers or candy: flowers - daffodils, tulips, coleus, or flowers someone else gives me
Bitchy or slutty: neither
Pants or shorts: pants
Sunrise or sunset: sun rise, if I’m not tired
Gore or horror: horror, if I’ve got someone to hold me close
Stripes or poky dots: neither - polka dots, maybe. But neither.
Money or fame: happiness
Planes or trains: depends on where I’m going - If I’m in a rush, planes, otherwise trains. Trains are romantic
Metal or hardcore: both - depends on the artist
Boxers or briefs: boxers
Pools or hot tubs: both.... yeah. Both
KIX or Fruit Loops: fruit loops
Spit or swallow: NEITHER - I DON"T DO THAT
Movies or DVDs: dvds, with someone to watch them with
CDs or tapes: CDs
School or work: work
Oldies or modern: umm.... rock
Chocolate or Vanilla: vanilla
Red or white wine: I don’t have a preference. Yet.
Yes Or No:
Shy: I can be, to some people, in some cases
Outgoing: yes
Ugly: oh yes. No question. That;s me. :) but I’m learning to live with it.
Pretty: ehh.... my mom says yes, I say no.
Beautiful: you tell me
Sexy: I wish
Hot: I wish
Loveable: I hope so
Sensitive: sometimes
Nerdy: yes. Very.
Geek: yes.
Playa: NO
Tall: not really
Short: not really
Only Child: no
Cheated on a test: not in the past 8 years
Did someone else's homework: I’ve let someone copy mine
asked out your crush: I’ve never asked anyone out - too shy.
Split up a relationship: my own, yeah. And I hated doing it.
Drove a car: Yup. Legally. Lol.
Road a roller coaster: yes
Chickened out on a roller Coaster: not that I recall.
Went to a concert: yes, multiple. I love ’em.
Went to the beach: yes. Love the beach, hate the sand.
Been to an Ocean: yes. Love it.
Called your boyfriend mean names: not while I was his girlfriend. But when I realized what an ass he could be, e-yeah. Sorry.
Would You ever:
Jump off a bridge for fun: Yup. I plan on it.
Skydive: Oh yeah. I want to VERY MUCH.
Marry someone in Vegas: nope, I don’t think so. No.
Get drunk: eh, to forget something. Or if I just am stupid and let myself get drunk.
Get drunk and screw someone u knew: not unless I would screw them when I’m sober
Do drugs: whose reading this??? you better already know the answer.
Get high: see above.
Eat live bugs/animals: NOPE. I’m a vegetarian.
Go out with your best friend: if we liked each other, and he asked me
Make out with someone thats just a friend: emmmm
Watch porn: no. NO. not even when they tried. EGH.
Sit by the phone waiting for someone to call: yes, and no one calls. :( well, sometimes they do.
Save conversation that you have on the computer: yes
Save e-mails: yes
When was the last time you:
Showered: a couilpe of hours ago
Had sex: none of your business
Kissed someone: two days ago? Yesterday? I don’t remember
Made out with someone: umm...
Did something stupid: um yeah.
Got in trouble: don't remember. A while ago, I think.
Broke the law: speeding? When’s the last time I drove?
Hurt urself somehow: I don’t know
Danced with someone: ths is a repeat question
Made a bet that involved money: yeah
Got embarrassed: this morning
Got embarrassed and pissed yourself: i don't think i have
Had to get up in front of an audience: last show... I dunno when. Not too long ago
everyone else.... call me.