then tiff and bri left and sarah and manda came over
i love you sarah!
i love you all so very much! we need to hang out more! <3
so fun! i love you girls so much! <333
this weekend was so fun! friday hung out with bri tiff case manda and sarah and then case spent the night. sat. went to the mall with my dad and case and we took a pic with this hott model
:) then we went back to caseys and hung out and got ready. Then we hung out with some special people ;) such a fun night i love you guys so much! we all have to hang out more!i love you all bff <3 then i slept at caseys. today i got up and went to jennas with jusitne emily and zach. we had to film our gay project but we didnt finsh so we have to tomorrow. wooo GiRLS GONE WiLD TOGA STYLE! i cant wait for winter break!