1. I had my first driving lesson. It was scary but I enjoyed it. I didn't stall once or do any kangaroo hopping, and my driving instructor said I was very good :) My next one is next Monday and although I'm nervous, I'm looking forward to it too.
2. I can't remember if I mentioned that a week last Sunday I had auditions to sing in my dance school's big dance show in the summer. Well, I did. We do a big show every two years, and this will only be my second one since I've only been at the school for four years. Last show, I auditioned and was really pleased to get understudy for one of the songs. However, I know that this will be my big show because I will...gah, don't want to say it...will not be the same age I am now by the time the next big show rolls round and will therefore be unable to stay with the school. Anyway. So, I was really, really hoping that I would get to sing on the stage this time. I wasn't feeling too confident about though. Well, I went to dancing on Monday and looked at the notice board, and not only do I get to sing, but I got three songs! A solo, a duet with the professional male singer that they bring in, and a group of four comprised of another girl, the pro and my gay friend T who comes in to sing at these shows. When we're with each other, we get on brilliantly, but neither of us is that good at maintaining contact after the shows so I haven't actually seen him for about a year and a half. So it'll be really awesome to see him again. THREE SONGS!!! eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!
3. I then came home and bought my Leeds festival ticket. YAY!
Except, oh. This morning, I came online and discovered an emailing saying that there were not enough funds in my dad's account to pay for my ticket, so my order had been cancelled. This seems kind of unlikely to me, and I don't see why he would let me use his card if the account was that low. But, whatever, I now have to wait until I get home from school (which I WILL go to after therapy) so I can ask him about it, and TRY to re-order my ticket. The site is still showing tickets due to cancellations (like mine, grr), so HOPEFULLY HOPEFULLY HOPEFULLY there will still be tix tonight when I try to sort the whole thing out. Dammit, I wanna go Leeds fest! I can remember it all in my head right now better than I have since I left, and I want to do it all again. Plus, I'll have to cut my wristband off to do my dance show, and my wrist will feel naked then, so I'll need a new one to take its place!