Yesterday was Easter Day. Obviously. I had quite a nice day really. Since I gave chocolate up for Lent, tasting it yesterday for the first time in ages was lovely, even though I was (and still am) silently hating myself because I'm far too fat to allow myself chocolate again. I shouldn't have let myself have any until I'd dropped more weight. I'm telling myself that I wouldn't have been able to adequately excuse myself to my family from eating Easter eggs, so I had no choice, but I still know that I could have done better.
After church, my church friend D (who has been living with us, as I think I said) had to go into Chester to hand out creme eggs in the park as part of his uni course (his course is in theology and community evangelism), and since it was a lovely day my family, sans my moody little sister who's going through a proper little teenager phase, decided to go into Chester with him and have an afternoon out. It was nice - I don't often spend much time other than meal times with my mum and dad. After we dropped D off we parked the car and went down and strolled by the river. I suggested we got a pedalo, which we did, and that was fun. Good exercise for my legs too, as a nice bonus. After the pedalo we got ice cream and then headed into the park, we we spent a good few hours just strolling around or sitting on the benches and watching D and his team. I liked it.
D has gone now - he's going home (Lancaster) for a few days and then he's off to France for a few more. I taught him a bit of French this morning - the basics, you know. Hello, how are you, one coffee please, one beer please...important phrases like that :)
It'll be weird not having him round now. I'm not sure if I still have a crush on him - I find the whole thing weird considering I still have feelings for him, especially since he's acting more and more like...I don't we're together again. Kissing me without hesitation when he's with me. Sending me little texts just to tell me I'm "a cutesie" or that he's looking forward to seeing me whenever he next does. It's strange, and really not helping the whole potentially-thinking-about-possibly-attempting-to-try-and-move-on thing.
But anyway, D. Yeah. It'll be weird not having him around. I've been getting quite irritable whilst he's been here, I guess mostly through not having my usually amount of alone time. Spending so much time with him has also made the aspects of his personality that irritate me more obvious, of course, which has made me especially irritable with him. But I'll kind of miss him - whilst I like plenty of time to myself, I also like having people around to chat to or hang out with.
Finally, Mr Reaper, do not think you are big and clever texting me to say that Natasha Bedingfield's "I Wanna Have Your Babies" song is good - no, sorry: "the greatest single ever released" - when you know I can't text back. That is not only mean but also incredibly WRONG.