i was sat here at the (downstairs) computer just now, when i suddenly became aware of the fact that it sounded like the front door was open. i went into the hall, and sure enough, the front door was wide open. i was a bit confused because as far as i was aware my sister hadn't come down stairs all evening, and we were the only two in the house. a quick look outside confirmed that the car was still gone and so mum, dad and danny hadn't come home yet.
i shut the door and ran upstairs shouting my sister's name, feeling a little nervy by this point. i fully admit that i scare easily. i asked her if she had any idea why the front door might be open, to which she replied that, as i had suspected, she hadn't come downstairs for a good few hours.
now, i'm pretty freaked out. so i grab the upstairs phone and phone my dad. my dad attempts to reassure my by suggesting that they probably didn't shut the door properly one their way out, but i refuse to be placated. he advises that we lock the front door, to which i reply "but what if someone is in our house?"
so then he suggests that my sis and i go around and check the whole house while we are still on the phone, which we do. we discover no scary intruders, but do find that the back door is unlocked, which dad doesn't think it is. however, he is sure that with both doors and the garage now locked, we'll be fine, and he promises they "won't be too late back".
i'm still scared though. :(