Thirty-nine and a half hours of zero calories. Admittedly not amazing, but I think my best ever. I've gone longer without solids, but I've never tried going so long on just water before. Back in the days when I used to try this kind of thing, as I recall, I would have had Diet Coke, Coffee and most probably varying amounts of alcohol too.
So, whilst it may not be great, I'm pleased. I wanted to go longer, at least hit the forty mark, but my body wasn't up to it. It's been a while since I've done the starving thing - I've barely even skipped meals the last couple of weeks - and not only that, but I've been quite snacky lately. So I was feeling pretty shaky, headachey and even my glass of water felt heavy. Then I started to feel like I was going to be sick, and I did not fancy the whole throwing up when you've got nothing to throw up situation. So I made myself my favourite breakfast - oats, chopped up apple and a handful of sultanas. Yum.
So yeah, I feel good. Especially seeing three or four pounds dropped from the scales. Yeah, yeah, it's not proper weight loss, but it's still nice. I intend to keep eating little and healthily and DAMMIT I WILL BE THIN.