Well.. let's see here

Feb 07, 2005 16:19

I'm definitly already sick of school even though its a Monday.. but it's not so bad because luckily, I don't have much homework.... ever.

Soo.. last night was the Superbowl, I must say I don't really care much about football, but it was a pretty good game. The Patriots won, so Drew got $140 which is pretty tight, not really for me though...Conor ( Read more... )

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Comments 3

Hey Katie! amy111503 February 7 2005, 23:26:22 UTC
Hey I was like just looking at some pom pictures and I just wanted to say good job to you guys almost making it! Maybe next year. :) Nice entry though. And I am not sure wut you and Natasha are talking about but I duno wut the world is coming to either. But I should be going now I am kind of tired. Have a good day! ((For wuts left of a boring monday lol))
-Amy G


hey! _k_j_t_ February 8 2005, 01:07:35 UTC
Hey Amy! Thanks, I was really bummed we didn't make it to states. Hopefully next year will be better.



branch423 February 8 2005, 02:50:50 UTC
that one girl.. yea you know who, is a slut! hah...
^Yep totally agree! :)


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