No day but today!

Nov 23, 2005 22:26


AirborneRTb: hey
scrwdup300: hey
AirborneRTb: it snowin at ur place
scrwdup300: heck yes, i'm thrilled!
AirborneRTb: me too
AirborneRTb: love the snow
scrwdup300: me too
AirborneRTb: i forgot, u snowboard?
scrwdup300: no, i ski
AirborneRTb: thats still chill
AirborneRTb: we should go sometime
AirborneRTb: gotta love it
scrwdup300: yeah
scrwdup300: i didn't get to go last year at all
AirborneRTb: o snap
AirborneRTb: im sorry!
scrwdup300: lol
scrwdup300: i'm out of practice
AirborneRTb: yeah, skiings tuf, i used to do it when i was like seven
AirborneRTb: snowboarding is a lot easier
scrwdup300: see, i could never get the hang of snowboarding
scrwdup300: the few times i've tried it, i could never do it
AirborneRTb: yeah, once you get it you get it
scrwdup300: yeah, i've heard it's easier to learn tricks than skiing
AirborneRTb: i dont know
AirborneRTb: i should try to ski again
AirborneRTb: thatd be really funn
scrwdup300: it is
scrwdup300: i'm not very good at it, but i love going skiing
AirborneRTb: thats cool
AirborneRTb: you should snowboard tho, hot snowboarder chicks are awesome
AirborneRTb: im sorry
AirborneRTb: lol
scrwdup300: hahaha
AirborneRTb: im tired
scrwdup300: i understand
scrwdup300: and i wasn't offended
AirborneRTb: thats good
AirborneRTb: so what are you doin for your vacation
scrwdup300: sitting around, shopping, eating, and going to go see the movie Rent as many times as possible
scrwdup300: you?
AirborneRTb: so im pretty lonely
AirborneRTb: tired
AirborneRTb: bored
AirborneRTb: goin to NY tomorrow
scrwdup300: the city?
AirborneRTb: yup
AirborneRTb: im excited
scrwdup300: awesome
AirborneRTb: my uncle ray is a big time cook and hes cookin a thing for thanksgivin in some weird competition or somethin
scrwdup300: that's rad
AirborneRTb: yeah im real excited
scrwdup300: i've never been to the city, but in june, my youth orchestra is performing in carnegie hall
AirborneRTb: thats AWESOME
AirborneRTb: i want to perform there some day
scrwdup300: i am so excited
AirborneRTb: ill bet
scrwdup300: and i'm sure you'll get to carnegie hall quite easily
AirborneRTb: i hope so
scrwdup300: you wil
scrwdup300: *will
scrwdup300: and if you do, i'll make sure to come check out your performance
AirborneRTb: thank you
scrwdup300: anytime
AirborneRTb: so do you have a bf?
scrwdup300: no
scrwdup300: i've dated a few people this year, but nothing serious
AirborneRTb: thats cool
scrwdup300: yup
scrwdup300: do you have a gf?
AirborneRTb: nah, im a doofus
AirborneRTb: most girls arent into doods like myself
scrwdup300: why not?
AirborneRTb: confidence is not one of my highlights
scrwdup300: hrm...well...most girls don't like overly cocky guys
AirborneRTb: yeah
AirborneRTb: im just not that outgoing
scrwdup300: well, that's okay
scrwdup300: i'm outgoing, but after awhile i get real tired of it
AirborneRTb: thats cool tho
AirborneRTb: your personality is what a lot of guys look for in a girl
AirborneRTb: based on the time ive been with you, which hasnt been that much considering im never at church because i live in richmond
scrwdup300: well...thank you
AirborneRTb: i forgot how to respond
AirborneRTb: im a little tired
AirborneRTb: jace is comin over tonite
scrwdup300: oh wow
scrwdup300: have fun with that
AirborneRTb: fo sho
scrwdup300: he pretty much hates me
AirborneRTb: he doesnt hate you, you all kinda rag on eachother a lot and i think it really gets to him some times
AirborneRTb: sometimes*
scrwdup300: i don't rag on him
scrwdup300: i find him hilarious and he could be a really cool guy
scrwdup300: but he treats me like shit
AirborneRTb: ive noticed, ive talked to him about it
AirborneRTb: i think hes just been doin it for so long that he just cant stop
AirborneRTb: its weird
AirborneRTb: hard to explain
AirborneRTb: but i think you all would be close friends if he wasnt bein an ass to you all the time
scrwdup300: yeah, cause he's a really cool guy
AirborneRTb: yeah
scrwdup300: but if he's going to insist on calling me a bitch all the time...that's not cool
AirborneRTb: yeah i agree
scrwdup300: oh well
AirborneRTb: yeah
AirborneRTb: maybe when he gets a little older
AirborneRTb: i forget sometimes, but hes only a freshmen
scrwdup300: yeah, it's pretty hard to remember that
AirborneRTb: well honestly i think he acts a lot older than he is

scrwdup300: he does
scrwdup300: i know a lot of freshmen who are a lot more immature
AirborneRTb: i mean hes immature, but most guys in highschool are

scrwdup300: lol
AirborneRTb: i think its just his attitude
AirborneRTb: the fuck you i dont care what you think kinda thing hes got goin
scrwdup300: i like that attitude
scrwdup300: but sometimes it needs to be reined in
AirborneRTb: yeah i know what you mean
AirborneRTb: so do you like me?
scrwdup300: um...*taken aback*
AirborneRTb: sorry
AirborneRTb: im tired
AirborneRTb: kinda out of it
AirborneRTb: had an exam today
scrwdup300: quite honestly...i don't know if i like you or not
AirborneRTb: yeah...
AirborneRTb: i understand
scrwdup300: if you get to ask me, i get to ask you
scrwdup300: do you like me?
AirborneRTb: hard to explain, yeah, but we have a kind of warped relationship, i wont talk to you for a few months, then well talk, or ill see you at eyc and ill be all pissed because your flirtin with someone else, and i mean, yeah, i do, but its hard to be really idealistic about it
scrwdup300: if you get pissed that i'm flirting with someone else, then start flirting with me. i can't say that i would be majorly offended if you did.
AirborneRTb: see that goes with the whole outgoing thing
AirborneRTb: not so good at that
AirborneRTb: which puts me behind with girls in general
scrwdup300: well, the next time you're at church, i promise i'll flirt with you if you come up to me first
AirborneRTb: lol, sounds good to me
scrwdup300: alrighty
scrwdup300: now just come to church
AirborneRTb: i might this sunday
AirborneRTb: see what im worried is gonna happen is that im gonna come to church and things are gonna be really awkward
scrwdup300: they'll only be awkward if you feel that way because, generally, i don't get awkward around people
AirborneRTb: alright ill work on it
scrwdup300: sounds good
AirborneRTb: skiing sounds good

AirborneRTb: going up to penn this winter vacation
AirborneRTb: very excited
AirborneRTb: brb
scrwdup300: that is awesome
scrwdup300: k
AirborneRTb: back sorry
scrwdup300: it's cool
AirborneRTb: we should chill sometime
AirborneRTb: just me and u
AirborneRTb: itd be fun
scrwdup300: that would be fun
AirborneRTb: yeah i agree
AirborneRTb: ur closest to potomac mills rite?
scrwdup300: yeah, it's right across the street from my school
AirborneRTb: gotta roll
AirborneRTb: we should date sometime
AirborneRTb: peace
scrwdup300: bye
AirborneRTb signed off at 10:25:39 PM.

What the muffin?
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