1. Pierce your nose or tongue? nose.
2. Be serious or be funny? both.
3. Boxers or briefs? BOXERS.
4. Whole or skim milk? skim but i would prefer soy milk.
5. Single or Taken? what would i prefer? taken i think.
6. Simple or complicated? i would like things to be simple but, they never are.
7. Law or anarchy? a mix.
8. Flowers or angels? flowers.
9. Grey or gray? grey.
10. Read or write? NOOO. both. <3
11. Color or black-and-white photos? black and white.
12. Sunrise or sunset? it's too hard. stop asking hard questions.
13. M&M's or Skittles? m&m's. good. keep it going with the easier ones.
14. Rap or rock? rock. but i do like some rap.
15. Stay up late or wake up late? stay up late. <3
16. TV or Radio? neither. NEITHER.
17. Is it POP or SODA? noooo. it's soda.
18. X or O in Tic-tac-toe? x.
20. Eat an apple or an orange? cut it out man. i guess an orange.
21. What came first the chicken or the egg? this question makes me think more than i ever should.
22. Hot or Cold? cold.
24. Tall members of the opposite sex or short? TALL.<333
25. Sun or moon? this is just way too hard. moon i think.
26. Left or right? left.
27. 10 acquaintances or 1 best friend? one best friend!!
28. Vanilla ice cream or chocolate ice cream? pistachio. :-*
29. Green beans or carrots? green beans.
30. Low fat or fat free? i dunno.
31. What is your biggest fear in the world? being left alone. i've slowly come to realise that it's happened to me also... i don't like it one bit. ONE BIT.
32. Kids or no kids? i'm not sure.
33. Cat or dog? kitttiiiesss. <3 but i love dogs also.
34. Half empty or half full? it's definitely half empty but if i look closely it's a mixture.
35. Mustard or ketchup? ketchup man, mustard scares me.
36. Hard cover books or soft cover books? soft cover i think.
37. Newspaper or magazine? newspaper.
38. Sandals or sneakers? sneakers.
39. Wonder or amazement? amazement.
40. Red car or white car? red.
41. Happy and poor or sad and rich? happy and poor.
42. Singing or dancing? singing because i can't dance. :(
43. Hugging or Kissing? kissing. but it's a toughie.
44. Corduroy or plaid? corduroy.
45. Happy or sad? happy. honestly whoever puts sad for this, i don't want to speak to you. you're a loser.
46. Purple or green? oh that's evil. GREEN. <3 but i love purple. katie.
47. A year of hot sex or a lifetime of friendship? lifetime of friendship.
48. Do you have a crush at the moment? sure i suppose you could call it that.
49. Who is it? hmm NOPE. <3
-Current Hair Color: brown like usual.
-Natural: dirty blonde but it got darker as i got older.
-Left Handed: ambidextrous.
-Number of Siblings: three amazing sisters who are blood related, two who are not. but i love them all.
-Parents divorced: nope.
-Parent(s) gay?: no.
-First place you lived: in dis house right heee.
-Still live at home?: yep.
-Have roommates?: nope.
-Pets: edgah, pumpkin and gus gus.
-Drink: water.
-do drugs: sometimes. not nearly as much. i haven't in quite some time.
-Ever been in love: once.
-In a relationship, currently: bahaha.
-Been cheated on?: not to my knowledge. i haven't had relationships to be cheated on.
-Cheated on someone?: nope.
-Been Engaged: oh yeah tons of times.
-Been Married: just got divorced.
-Been Pregnant: mhm i'll add the new ones to my house in 10 years with a bunch of hamspsters. you don't understand that sentence and are not meant to.
-Done a long distance relationship: ug. NEXT QUESTION.
-Did it work: for real you're still talking about this.
-Love someone now: i love my friends. with all my heart that's left and in tact.
-Someone love you: i really don't know.
-Did it with someone of the same sex: did it meaning sex? what is this, the four year old quiz?
-Kissed someone of the same sex: yes.
-Kissed two people in the same day: yes.
-Kissed two people at the same time: yes.
-Had sex with two seperate people at two seperate times in the same day: my brain is having trouble reading this sentence. it's 330 am okay.
-Ever had a stalker: not in a good way, yes.
-Ever stalked someone: haha i was a freshman okay.
-Dated the artist: AN artist? yes.
-Dated the rock star: an actual one? no. but i've noticed i only like guitarists.
-Broken a heart: unfortunately.
-Had your heart broken: yeah i hate you.
-Bad Boys or the good ones: the bad ones i am so evilly attracted to. but it never works out.
-Band that reminds you of your first love: radiohead, the beatles, oasis, nine inch nails, ani difranco, the shins, the strokes, jimi hendrix, bush, finch, the cranberries, norma jean, poison the well, sublime, weezer ARE YOU GETTING THE POINT HERE.
-Band that reminds you of your most recent love: hahaha. my most recent love is my only love.
This month, have you:
-Thrown up: nope.
-Played sick from work: i don't work, hot damn i'm a slacker.
-Cried: oh god yeah.
-Done something you regret: yes.
-Got drunk: i actully don't think i have.
-Cut your hair: i want to say no?
-Gotten a tattoo: naah.
-Been on stage: ..no?
-Been on TV: hahah no.
-Dyed your hair: nah.
-Did it: you mean fuck right? this really is the four year old quiz. did you "DO IT"
-Cuddled: no i think.
-Fell asleep not at your house: yeap.
-Gotten Stood up: no?
-Stood someone up: nah.
-Gone out to the movies: no.
-Fallen in love: unless seeing that person counts as falling in love again. which i could see.
Have you ever:
-Been hit: yes.
-By someone of the opposite sex: yeah.
-Have you ever hit someone: i've punched my sister a few times but i love her.
-Shot a gun: yeah but it had a bar through it.
-Dressed up for Halloween outside of childhood? ohhh yeah man.
-Broken the law: yep.
-Been arrested: almost but NOPE.
-Unarrested someone: ..what.
-Been handcuffed: haha yes.
-Been scared you would die: a few times.