here i am to worship you..

Dec 22, 2003 17:06

Hey everyone! I'm updating about random stuff because I'm bored. Ha! How pitaful ( Read more... )

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Comments 25

dar_dar December 22 2003, 12:59:15 UTC
Where tha heck have you been!! I've missed yah!! haha!!
We need to get together sometime and do something!! =)
But I added yah to my friends list so you better add me back!!


_krp December 22 2003, 14:03:48 UTC
Awww, Darcie!!!! =)
I've missed you too! Yes, we most definately need to get together sometime. CALL ME! *hahah* Good luck with JQ~ How cute!
Love ya~


xuncut_ December 22 2003, 14:57:31 UTC
Hey Hun*
This is nicole.
I got a new LJ and I'm giveing my other one away so if its not any bother would you add this new one and delete the old one? Please and Thank you!!

~love ya


_krp December 22 2003, 17:00:41 UTC
No problem.
But, I don't have time to do it right now but, I'll have it done sometime soon. Thanks for letting me know! :) Haha.
I think I might get a new journal too? Hmmm. I'll letcha know if I do. MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!

Love ya!


xuncut_ December 22 2003, 21:33:58 UTC
Oh that's fine.. Just whenever you can!! =)
And if you get a new one make sure I know. *haha*
I'm a comment whore!! --lol* kiddin` but I do
comment alot when I'm home. Merry Christmas to you too!! ;)

~love ya


lidlun December 23 2003, 09:49:15 UTC
*keep me, please*?



*hey* em07 December 23 2003, 11:25:18 UTC
Hey hun, I just wanted to let you know I'm glad your grandmother is doin better...and I hope you and your family have a *wonderful* Christmas!* =)

<3 Emily <3


Re: *hey* _krp December 23 2003, 20:19:03 UTC
Awwww, Thanks Emily!! :)

I hope you have a merry christmas, also! Have fun!
Love ya!!


Merry Christmas* hrc_ December 23 2003, 12:15:01 UTC
Hey Hun*
well thought i would lev ya a comment*.. hehe.. well seems like i havent seen you in like 10 years.. haha.. missed ya*.. but i'm sure i'll see ya soon .. haha.. hope everything is goin good with ya .. hope you have a great christmas!..
luv ya*


Re: Merry Christmas* _krp December 23 2003, 20:21:16 UTC
Lol. I haven't talked/or seen you in like 20 years. =( I miss you! I don't know what I'm gonna do if your not in my lunch again. It just won't be the same without you..... ahh. Maybe we will get in there together again + with joshua and thomas too. Anyways, HAPPY HOLIDAYS, GIRL!! *


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