woo im home!! I made it! it actually wasnt that bad...i did have fun actually. I made a lot of friends (chris, jeanette, pattie, stephanie, toni, Don, niki) and met some fatties :D
this was the schedule we had
7 am-breakfast
8-11 marching
12-1 free time
1-3 sectional
3-5 marching/band rehearsal
5-6 dinner/dinner free time
6-8 marching
8+ free time and this is when we had all our activities and such.
monday We got to the school at 7 am and left around 9. me and sarah and Amy and Toni rode on the bus together and when we got there we got a cabin together. We roomed with 10 other girls i believe, and at first i was annoyed because they annoyed me ( you know how i am with obnoixious people) but in the end they turned out to be sweet sweet girls. We got there, unpacked and that stuff and we had lunch, then we started our warm ups (we do some basic marching, and stretches etc) and i cant remember what we did, i think we had a sectional after that, had dinner, and we had the evening to ourselves to just hang out and such. then we went to sleep.
Tuesday- i finally got my music (cuz i didnt go to pre band camp) so i was a lil behind on the music cuz everybody had it for a while but i caught on. We worked on on our first drill, it was hard to read the drill sheets at first, it was like putting dots on a coodinate plane lol. I got lost of course...confused as hell but i got it. At night we had a scavenger hunt it was fun lol it was Me, Chris (one of the people i met), Josh, Sarah, Amy, and Kyle. We lost cuz we didnt put much effort into it, we had to get a dead fish out of the lake and we were like fuck it.
Wednesday- we finished the first drill, started to memorize the music ( which is impossible for me to do) and learned part of the 2nd drill. our 3rd song is really easy and my section was to memorize it, but did i..NOoooo so i had to do like 80 chick push ups cuz what we didnt memorize jeanette(sectional leader) made us do push ups. There was another school there Davison High and they were having a dance at 8 and invited us to come , and believe it or not it was better than the ones we have at school. Seriously. it was a lot of fun. Me and josh and Don (another friend of mine/fattie) called it a rave lol. And it was hilarious as fuck cuz when it was time to get down there Josh had Rave on his shirt with tape lol and him and don had glitter and "raving" pants on to get in the spirit. And we were "raving" and doing techo dances lol. And we party boyed people from davison and did stupid shit to them, and we were doing the usual stupid shit, to damn great. and i met this kid from davison, he looked like Bam Margera, no joke, he was a semi fattie. I must say that was the best night of band camp, a lot of fun.
thursday- This was a bad day for me. I was so sore ( i dont have my back anymore) and i kept getting lost with the 2nd drill (its tricky). And it was sooo damn hot. Gosh it was 90 and so humid. so we canceled marching in the afternoon and just had the time to ourselves cuz it was to hott to be in the sun. And so many people were injured ( i believe it was 15 people). Then it started to storm pretty bad. We were supposed to have skit night, but it was post poned and we were under cabin arrest cuz it was storming so bad. it was hailing and everything. then here comes Adam pounding on our cabin door, " okay guys there has been a tornado warning, so grab your valuables and get down to the mess hall" so we grab our stuff and start running down to the mess hall then he called for all of us to get back to our cabins cuz i guess the band moms were taking cabin by cabin down in their vans. So we go back to the cabin to wait to get picked up and NOBODY CAME. We're sitting there waiting and waiting for someobdy to come or somebody to give us word on whats going on. We looked out all the cabins are empty the half of the cabin started to get all shaky and scared, thank God niki had her cell so we could call. then mother bird came (band mom) came and got us, she said she was honking her horn but nobody came. we got down to the mess all and just sat around and hung out for awhile. Then the weather cleared and we ended up having skit night. That was some funny shit, it was like watching comedy centeral, Adam did who's line is it anyway and this was my favorite, "what is the worse thing to get on your 16th birthday?" Chris: " the car you were conceived in" lmao. And three guys, i know Chris was one of them, started to circle mr. Z then they started to party boy him lmao. They knocked him down on the ground and piled on him. it was great.
Friday- we rehearsed both drills with music, (by memory), and by this point i realized how much i really didnt like mr. Ziarko cuz he Changes his mind ever 1.5 seconds. it was confusing cuz I would have a move down and march it a certain way and he would change it and all of us flutes got so confused cuz we would do different things. hes a nice guy, and teaches pretty good, but hard to please. Friday was senior night so we all hung out and had fun. We watched Davisons show at 6. And you know what Chris did to me..he took a bottle of water and put it down my back and it looked like i pissed my pants lol. Then later on after the davison performance he took a whole bottle of water and just soaked me. Then we had a big waterballoon/water bottle fight with the boys vs girls. Me and Katie tried to get chris but the lil pussy wouldnt leave his stoop outside his cabin. But i got all the guys, mwahaha. We went down to the pavilain and sat around for a bit, Chris wrestled Mr. Z and Mr. z lost horribly bad. We had a campfire and Steve told some stories, but me and josh and don and some others sat on the benches lol cuz my back hurted a lot. damn. And the seniors got to stay out longer and hang out and they pied Mr. Z in the face mwahahahaa.
Sat- got up and had a quick breakfast, then got on the field to rehearse for our show. We ran through both drills at the same time with memory a few times, blah i still dont have my music memorized. it like goes through my head. oh well i got till thursday cuz its our first game. we had lunch and at 12 we did our show. here we go with Mr Z pissing me off, with him changing shit. but i must say we kicked some major ass. I hope we make it to states this yr. but with Mr. Z as our band teacher......its going to take some extra extra EXTRA work. and now im home and it feels reallyyyy good. my back hurts like a bitch and i havent had a decent meal, shower, sleep in a week. The showers sucked (our bathroom sucked). the hot water would run out after 10 minutes or so. So you had to get in and get out. and there was only 3 shower stalls, so only 3 girls could take showers at a time. And the food was like schools food, it was okay they gave u a big varitey of food cuz you have to eat or else you would just die lol. And i lived on water, i havent had pop in a week, i need the caffeine boost. and ive been non stop moving and keeping busy all week, i cant stand sitting here. so yup thats the week, and you guys better come to our games and watch us, we're not that bad.
What i learned this week is that hard work does pay off.