Have you ever?*
kissed your best friend | nope
kissed a member of the opposite sex | yup
kissed a member of the same sex | no!
worn handcuffs | nope
been in trouble with the police | nope
been in love | yup
ditched class | nope, i left class if i got a pass for ever. specially lifeskills, for like 20mins. teacher didnt even notice
cheated on a test | yeah, some questions i look off someone elses.
been divorced | no
been married | no
made love to someone of the opposite sex | no
made love to someone of the same sex | no
been bi-curious | no way jose
done drugs | nope
drank | nope
took asprin | umm. i dont remember.
hugged someone | this morning or last night :D i gave my mommy a hug!
had suicidal thoughts | never
ate something | 30 mins ago or so
drank a soda | earlier. 6ish when i was cutting the lawn ((im pro))
played with a knife | never.
kissed someone | a while
listened to a song starting with 'G' | startign with a what!?
danced | in my room today :X lol
talked on the phone | today with meghan!
IMed someone | mhmm like 30mins ago ((karly))
hugged you last | i think you already asked that
kissed you last | asked that already
IMed you last | Karly
called you last | Meghan
you called last | Meghan
talked to you | mom
who was your first kiss | Robby in 5th grade
made you smile | my dad
made you frown | mmmmmmmmmm. kenny
made you laugh | Karly
saved your life | myself!
would die for you | Erin
would you die for | no one lol.
kicked your ass | no one
ass did you kick | my sister probably
insulted you | ummmm. chelsea she called me annoying :D
ented you | whattttt?
made you cry | my head. i was thinking and i just cry lol it was about kenny though
you wrote a note | wow! that was like during school. forever ago. no clue who probably meghan
hem 'i love you' | mhm karly said i love you last to me, if thats what your asking me
want kids | yeah
want marriage | yeah
want sex | yes! if i want kids..i want sex. duh
want a job | yeah
want diamonds | yesss! many
want to be a. marinebiologist. lol
want a house | yeah. or am i just gonna live on the streets?
:x: name = Lana
:x: piercings = ears
:x: tattoos = nope
:x: height = 5'8 and a quater!
:x: shoe size = 8
:x: hair color = dirty blonde
:x: length = mm..where my boobs are. lol
:x: siblings = 2 older sisters
:x: Age = 14
:x: Sex = female
:x: Location = michigan
:x: movie you rented = ummmm. no clue lol
:x: movie you bought = no clue
:x: song you listened to = dont remember
:x: song that was stuck in your head= avril (happy ending)
:x: cd you bought = umm none. i burn
:x: cd you listened to = burned cd.
:x: person you've called = erin
:x: person that's called you = meghan
:x: tv show you've watched = Chapelle Show *watching it now*
:x: you have a bf = nope
:x: you have a crush on someone = YES!
:x: you wish you could live somewhere else = naww
:x: you think about suicide = no
:x: you believe in online dating = nope
:x: others find you attractive some. lol i guess????
:x: you want more piercings = yes. belly button
:x: you drink = no
:x: you smoke = no
:x: you like cleaning = when im mad i do
:x: you like roller coasters = yes!
:x: you write in cursive or print = print
:x: long distance relationships = sure
:x: using someone = against
:x: killing people = against
:x: teenage smoking = AGAINST
:x: doing drugs = even more A G A I N S T ! ! ! !
:x: driving drunk = against
[Understanding] very
[Hungry] nope
[Friendly] always
[ Moody] sometimes
[ Shy ] sometimes
[ Difficult ] naww
[ Bored Easily ] yes
[ Happy ] very
[Hyper ] no tired
[ Trusting ] yeahh
[ Talkative ] yup
-H A V E .Y O U. E V E R . .
[ Been in love ] yes
[ Cried when someone died ] no
[ Been skinny dipping ] lol no
-W H I C H . I S . B E T T E R-
[ Coke or pepsi ] coke
[ Flowers or candy] candy!
[ Tall or short ] around my height soo taller
[Hurt someone or be hurt] being hurt.
[Piercings or no piercings] yes
-D O .Y O U / / A R E .Y O U-
[smoke cigarettes] no
[could u live without the computer?] no way
[color ur hair] yes i want it! alllllll blonde and allllll one color!
[habla espanol] yes. some
[how many peeps are on ur buddy list?] 182
[like watching sunrises or sunsets] sunset
[scared of the dark] no sometimes i am
-N U M B E R-
of times I have had my heart broken?: 2
of guys I have kissed?: one
of girls I have kissed?: none
of continents I have lived in?: none
of cd's that I own?: i dont know alot i have like 20 burned
of things in my past that I regret?: alot
...have you ever...
cheated on anyone: no
been cheated on : no
been in a long distant relationship : yup
cried over a boy : ooooo gee many many many times!
cried out of happiness : no
walked in on people : lol no
EiTHER / OR ...
club or houseparty: houseparty.
cats or dogs: dogs!!
food or candy: food.
bored as ever.
today nothing
i mowed the lawn :D and did a great job
im pro.
leave me comments pleaseeeeeeeee =)