I’m going to use the R word. Yes, that freakin’ R word; a distant cousin of the race card. If there was ever a way to make mainstream America roll their eyes at you it’s by pointing out a very obvious truth: Hollywood seems to hate latinos. There, I said it.
Clearly, I’m being dramatic with my statement but let me elaborate.
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Comments 19
1) Hollywood is open minded in casting a latina in a non-latina world
2) Hollywood makes a latina white because doing otherwise the audienece is threatened somehow and will be less likely to see the film.
I don't know that we can truly prove either but given my skepticism with Hollywood I went with the latter option.
Your beef that because J-Lo is brown she needs to always play brown is the problem latinos and latinas in the arts have been arguing AGAINST for so many years. you want to limit their choices based on how they look? Typecasting is the problem not the other way around, friend.
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