Name: Steve
Nicknames: Spleve, Skeeb, Oliver, Pop Rocks Ninja
Sex: Male
Birthday: 4/6/87
Place of Birth: Riverside
Pets: A beta fish....named Crim. He is Red.
Height: 6'4"
Hair color: Light Brown-ish
Eye color: Blue-ish
Eye color of choice: Brown.
Writing hand: Left.
Current residence: The Smith House.
Nervous habits: I ALWAYS have to be doing something with my hands, whether they be in my pockets, crossed, or twirling around in the air, they just have to be doing something.
Are you double jointed: In my shoulder and a few fingers *crack*.
Can you cross your eyes: Of course.
Tattoos: Never, they'd hurt too bad.
Do you make your bed daily?: I always end up making my bed because lizard induced disasters rip the sheets from their foundations.
How many best friends do you have?: Several.
Are you still friends with anyone from kindergarten?: Yep, Alex.
Do you have a strong relationship with anyone online?: Umm....Auntie Rella and Vix!
Have you ever told your friends you love them: Sometimes.
Which shoe goes on first: Left then right.
Speaking of shoes, have you ever thrown one at anyone? Most likely.
On the average, how much money do you carry in your wallet: A few pennies, usually.
What jewelry do you wear 24/7: None....'cept this wristband I stole from Freddie.
Favorite piece of clothing: My dark-blue Hurley shirt, the one with the grey-black text that looks all raggedy.
Do you twirl your spaghetti or chop it?: Twirl.
Favorite ice cream flavor: Uhh.....prolly Chocolate.
What's your favorite beverage?: Maybe...well, right now it's Creme Soda. Mmmm...
What's your favorite restaurant?: Olive Garden!
What utensils do you use to eat pizza?: Fingers....but only after peeling off the cheese.
Do you cook?: Tater tots, Ramen....various other things.
Singer: Tomiko Van
Animal: Cat's and dogs, probably.
Food: Ehh, that would probably be tater tots.
Month: April.
Day: Friday
Subject in school: Psychology and Art. To a lesser extent.....English (for essays. I love essays).
Color: Pthalo Blue.
TV show: Does Naruto count?
Holiday: Used to be Christmas.
Book: Sword of Truth series....Temple of the Winds in particular.
Vacationing spot: Arkansas.
Things to do in the spring: Have fun with friends and enjoy the rain and cloudy weather.
Things to do in the summer: Hang out with friends.
Thing to do in the fall: Pray for rain and enjoy the cooling off of the days.
Thing to do in the winter: Go play in the snow and....BUILD SNOWMEN!
The cd player: Yookoso! Tape.
Person you talk most to on the phone: actually, that'd have to be Natalie. She's the only one that ever calls me anymore.
Ever taken a cab: Nope.
Do you regularly check yourself out in store windows: Uhh...not usually.
You use an alarm clock: NO! I HATE THEM!
Name one thing you're obsessed with: Obsessed? Uhh...talking to friends, I suppose.
Window seat or aisle: Window!!
Whats your sleeping position?: Side, generally.
Bed you like?: As big as I can get. My current bed is too small.
Even in hot weather do you use a blanket?: Yes. It's more of a comfort thing. I have to have something covering me.
Do you snore?: I sleeptalk.
Do you sleepwalk?: A few times I had done so.
Do you talk in your sleep: Yesh! lol
Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?: Used to.
Do you fall asleep with the tv or radio on?: Used to sleep with the radio on. Not anymore, though.
coke or pepsi: Coke
oranges or apples: Apples.
one pillow or two?: Two stacked.
deaf or blind: Probably deaf.
pools or hot tubs: Pools! I love to have a nice open space to swim around in.
blondes or brunettes: Brunettes.
tall or short: Medium. Probably short.
beach or pool: Pool...I get too groggy and gross at the beach.
tic tacs or certs: Tic Tacs (vanilla or orange!)
snooze button or jump out of bed: I usually wake up exactly when I need to.
sunrise or sunset: Sunrise, especially after my and Kirby's super early mountain expedition. That was beyond awesome.
hamburger or cheeseburger: EW.
morning or night: To be honest, I see the night so often and am usually most active at night...but I love the feeling I get when I'm wide awake, in the cool morning with the whole day ahead of me. =)
sports or news: News
bikini or one piece: preference.
indoors or outdoors: Depends.
christmas eve or christmas day?: Day
cake or icecream: ice cream
bert or ernie: Omgosh, neither.
spicy or mild: They're BOTH TOO hot!!!
spearmint or peppermint: Spearmint
call or write: call
peanut butter or jelly: Peanut Butter
hamburger or hot dog: Neither...-_-
dog or cat: Depends.
bath or shower: Shower.
book or movie: Book if I'm alone, movie with friends.
green or red apples: Goldenxorz!
rain or snow: Rain. I love to play in the rain....(DITTO!)
nikes or adidas: Shoes.
you took a shower: A few hours ago.
watched bambi: Can't recall.
cried: When I read the letter I got from my mom last week.
talked on the phone: Uhh...don't remember. Ask Natalie.
read a book?: Last night.
punched someone: Prolly Ed, when we were messing around at some point. Prolly a week or two ago.
you have a bf or gf: Nope.
what's her/his name: ...
you wish you could live somewhere else: I only want to be with my loved ones.
you think about suicide: Used to.
do others find you attractive: I should hope not. If they do, they're badly deluded.
you want more piercings: Ow no!
you want more tattoos: Again, ow.
you do drugs: NO!
you like cleaning: Sometimes I like to clean meh room.
you write in cursive or print: Print
you carry a donor card: Nope. I lost it.
using someone: Depende on if you're hurting the person. If so, then against.
killing people: Against!
teenage smoking: Against!!!
gay/lesbian relationships: All for.
of times you have had your heart broken: Never? I dunno.
Of hearts you have broken: *shoots self*
of drugs taken illegally: None
of people you would classify as true, could trust with my life: Not too sure on that one.
of people you consider as enemies: None! That I can think of...
scars: Lots. Specially on my belly. (don't ask)
number of piercings: Zero
slept in your bed: Me.
made you cry: Mommy.
you went to the movies with: Renee and Sammy-Jo.
said they were going to kill you: Spencer, most likely.
been to florida? Nope
California? I LIVE in California
china? No
canada? No
wished you were the opposite sex? No
had an imaginary friend: YES!!! His name was Professor Sydney Ruffleberg. (I think he lived in the bathroom)
red or blue: Blue
spring or fall: Spring
santa or rudolph: Santa!
math or science: Science
english or history: English
what are you going to do after you finish this survey: Download stuff.
last time you went out of the state: About a month and a half ago.
whats on yur mousepad: I don't have one.
favorite board game?: Uhh....Clue?
college plans: Currently attending RCC as a full-time student.
are you timely or always late: Never later than my teachers.
cried: No
bought something: Uhh....fries and a shake.
gotten sick: I was sick today 'cause I was doing sit-ups in my room until I felt like barfing last night.
sang while driving alone: I don't drive alone...and my singing only bothers Sam, so I refrain from doing so. =P
said i love you: I....don't think so.
missed someone: Yes!!!
hugged someone: I don't think so, no.
kissed someone: No.
fought with your parents: Nope.
I've consumed alcohol:. Once LONG ago. I was like 6, and I threw up. I HATE ALCOHOL.
I've run away from home.: A few times, yes. Never seriously...
I have lied to my parents about where I am.: I dunno. Maybe.
I am for Bush.: I don't care.
I listen to political music.: No?
I collect comic books.: Umm...a few mangas.
I am shorter than 5'5".: HA! Yeah right.
I don't think I'm beautiful.: Nopes.
I shut others out when I'm depressed:. I try, but someone always comes after me.
I open up to others easily:. Depends on how I'm feeling.
I am keeping many secrets from the world.: Umm...not really. I don't care anymore.
I watch the news: Rarely.
I own over 5 rap CDs.: Ew, No!
I own an iPod or MP3 player.: Nope.
I own multiple designer purses, costing over $100 a piece.: LOL No.
I own something from Hot Topic.: Uhmm.....nope.
I own something from Pac Sun.: Maybe.
I own something from The Gap.: Not likely.
I own something I got on e-bay.: No.
I love Disney Movies.: Sometimes.
I am a sucker for hair/eyes.: Yeah. 0_0
I don't kill bugs.: That's me!! I will do all I can to save a bug in jeopardy!
I curse regularly.: NEVER! I despise cursing.
I paid for that cell phone ring.: No....
I am a sports fan.: BOring.
I have "x"s in my screen name.: Nope.
I once slipped out an "lol" in a real conversation.: A few times. XD
I love Spam.: EW! Real meat is bad enough, why make imitaion meat? >_<
I can't cook.: Somewhat. To a limited extent....
I would wear pajamas to school.: I haven't, but I probably would.
I own something from Abercrombie.: Uhhh, no.
I have a job.: I NEED one badly.
I love Martha Stewart.: She rocks!
I am in love with love.: Eh? Redundancy check....
I am guilty of tYpInG lIkE tHiS.: Ha! I'm a very good typist.
I am self conscious.: Overly, sometimes.
I like to laugh.: I don't like the way I look when I laugh, but I enjoy doing it.
I smoke a pack a day.: HA! Yeah right.
I liked Perks of Being a Wallflower. Huh?
I liked Go Ask Alice.: Huh?
I have cough drops when I'm not sick.: No.
I can't swallow pills.: I can!
I can swallow about 5 pills at a time no problem.: About 3 is my limit, I think. I've never had to take more.
I eat fast food weekly.: Sadly, yes. *punches self*
I have many scars.: Mostly self inflicted except for the cat/lizard/Lindsay ones.
I believe in ghosts.: That'd be cool.
I can't sleep if there is a spider in the room.: I LOVE SPIDERS!!!!!!!! O_O =DD
I see a therapist.: It's been suggested, recently, actually. But I don't think I need to.
I take anti-depressants.: No.
I love white chocolate.: Ew.
I bite my nails. : Only when they get long.
I am comfortable with being me.: I never have been. Today is the closest I've been in ages.
I play video games.: Quite often.
Gotten lost in your city.: Riverside. lol....we ended up finding an airport. I blame it on Spencer!!
Saw a shooting star.: Oh, all the time. I would see tons whenever we slept on the trampoline.
Wished on a shooting star. : Yesh.
Made a wish that didn't come true.: Every one.
Saw a meteor shower.: Yep.
I had a serious surgery.: Ummm....not that I know of.
Gone out in public in your pajamas.: Yep. *thinks* I went to the store and some other places.
I have kissed a stranger.: Uhh, no.
Hugged a stranger.: Maybe?
Been in a fist fight.: Only once, with Ed.
Been arrested.: Never been caught. ;)
Laughed and had milk or another drink come out of your nose.: YES! lol!! Linds was playing with her French Fries and made one say "JOLLY GOOD!" and I started busting up and launched milk everywhere. SOO FUNNY. XD
Pushed all the buttons on an elevator.: Hahaha, yeah. I'm sure I have.
Made out in an elevator.: Made....out?
Swore at your parents.: Never.
Kicked a guy where it hurts.: Maybe Ed...
Been close to love.: Doubt it.
Been to a casino.: Yes, several.
Been skydiving.: I wish!
Broken a bone.: A finger or two.
Skipped school.: A few times.
Saw a therapist.: No
Played spin the bottle.: Yes....*points at Kim*
Gotten stitches.: Nuh-uh.
Drank a whole gallon of milk in one hour.: Only when I had chocolate syrup and made lots of chocolate milk! =)
Been to Niagara Falls.: No.
Gotten the chicken pox.: Never.
Kissed a member of the same sex: Uhmm...other than family, just Geoff. >_> On a dare.
Crashed into a friend's car.: Nooo.
Been to Japan.: Noes.
Ridden in a taxi.: No.
Shoplifted.: I stole Bubble Tape when I was 4.
Been fired.: No?
Ever had a crush on someone of the same sex.: Probably.
feelings for someone who didn't have them back.: Lotsa times.
Stole something from your job.: Noooo?
Gone on a blind date.: No.
Had a crush on a teacher.:
Celebrated Mardi Gras in New Orleans.: No.
Been to Europe.: No.
Lived in another state/country.: Yes.
Slept with a co-worker.: No. o_o
Been married.: No.
Gotten divorced.: No.
Had children.: No.
Been to Africa.: No.
Driven over 400 miles in one day.: Actually, I've been in a car that had prolly driven about that.
Been to Canada.: No.
Been to Mexico.: No.
Been on a plane.: GAH! TOO MANY.
Seen the Rocky Horror Picture Show.: No, lol.
Thrown up in a bar.: No.
Eaten sushi.: EW.
Been snowboarding.: Nah.
Been skiing.: Noes.
Met someone in person from the internet.: Matt-Moth! =DD
Been to a moto cross show.: Nuh-uh.
Been lost.: Yeah.
Gone to college.: Yesh.
Graduated college.: Not yet.
Done hard drugs.: NO!
Had someone cheat on you.: I should hope not.
Miss someone right now.: Yes!
Taken painkillers when you didn't need them.: Yeah....
Smoked weed.: No.
Snorted cocaine.: No!
Been in love.: Doubt it.
Cheated in a relationship. No!
Woke up crying.: Maybe.
Cried yourself to sleep.: Maybe a few times.
Peed from laughing.: No, lol.
Had sex.: No.
Had sex in a car.: No.
Had sex in public.: No!
Had sex in the shower.: No!!
Had sex in a sibling's bed.: NO!!!
Had sex in a parent's bed.: NO!!!!!!!
My answers are totally honest.: Of course.