[[OOC If you are interested I have a bunch of icons from when I rp'ed Leighanne...most of them were made by Nikki-shaped and Aj-shaped. I still have all of them on my comp so just let me know and I can post them in a comment or locked post for you. Welcome to AC!]]
Make the ADD PROCESS QUICKER BY: So we know you are serious about the game all that is left if for you to do is go to: After Celebrity . Up at the very top of the user page, you'll also find a link to click to join the community. So please click it and then follow the instructions to get an email sent to us and WA-LA! You'll be verified for adding to the community once you've met all steps required.
Make sure to post in after_celebrity once you are added so that everyone know's you're here as well as comment fellow cast members, bandmates, etc. It will help ease you in and help make storylines.
after_celebrity is an rpg group dedicated to mature and active role playing. To ensure the best possible writers, we encourage you to update your journal every ten to fourteen days as well as be aim active. Comments to other members are also greatly encouraged. You never know when a new storyline and friendship/relationship will pop up and activity will help you gain those.
TOOLS: you can keep your aim buddy list and journal friends list
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Comments 4
YOU'RE IN!! WELCOME TO after_celebrity!
So we know you are serious about the game all that is left if for you to do is go to: After Celebrity . Up at the very top of the user page, you'll also find a link to click to join the community. So please click it and then follow the instructions to get an email sent to us and WA-LA! You'll be verified for adding to the community once you've met all steps required.
Make sure to post in after_celebrity once you are added so that everyone know's you're here as well as comment fellow cast members, bandmates, etc. It will help ease you in and help make storylines.
after_celebrity is an rpg group dedicated to mature and active role playing. To ensure the best possible writers, we encourage you to update your journal every ten to fourteen days as well as be aim active. Comments to other members are also greatly encouraged. You never know when a new storyline and friendship/relationship will pop up and activity will help you gain those.
TOOLS: you can keep your aim buddy list and journal friends list ( ... )
Please do so or you risk removal from the game.
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