a triangle trying to squeeze through a circle

May 03, 2005 13:05

I've caught up! And the only thing I'm disappointed in right now is Wallace's hair. Where's the fro, bro? I hate dreads on him. I saw the kiss! And more kissing! Aaron Echolls beating the crap out of Trina's boyfriend! Alyson Hannigan totally sucks at being bitchy. It's like she's deliberately trying to be wooden. And like she's struggling to breathe while reciting her lines.

But kissing! And Logan! And Veronica! And that look on his face when she kissed him!

Duncan looked freaking crazy when he blew up at Veronica, ala 1x17. But still, I doubt he killed Lilly. Currently, my suspects stand at everyone who appeared in the pilot, minus Veronica/Logan/Duncan. I don't believe Jake killed Lilly as well. Merely because while I would like Keith to be vindicated, the evidence that points at Jake is non-existent. He's obviously behind the cover-up, but I kind of like Jake. If he weren't a cheating husband, he'd probably be the perfect family man.

I hate Lianne with the passion of a thousand suns. She's just... What kind of mother is she?

Is it just me, or does Kirten Bell look a tab bit like Patricia Arquette in the layer episodes?


Expect an icon update sometime soon. My Dad comes home tomorrow rather than today, so all I want to do is fiddle with Photoshop until then. And buy some coffee, as we're out and I'm feeling withdrawn.

My parents are talking about taking a trip to Queensland. As in, soon. Apart from the fact that my Dad's been gone for over six weeks, what's the point in going on vacation if you've got to study while you're away.

The only pro would be that the temperature has dropped dramatically over the past week or so, so some sunshine definitely isn't unwanted.

Song of the day: Missy Higgins - The Special Two
If you haven't heard anything by Missy Higgins, you must be living under a rock or something. Her voice is just gorgeous and she's one of those artists who lets her accent shine through, so I love her even more!

And if you haven't already, go join vm_navigator for all your VMars related news (fandom and otherwise)!
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