I had this crazy dream taking place in the future starring a single mom family with two sons. In this future, some people operate biologically grown clone bodies, exactly identical to their initial body, which function as extras and deter damage to the original self. Clone bodies, however, are missing some delicate spark of humanity, possibly the soul, and having no conscience are simply vegetables when not being remotely controlled.
The older son, Jeff, who is tall and muscular, is prone to putting himself in dangerous situations so his mother bought him the extra body to beat up in his spare time; it does not feel pain. He has this issue of being able to operate the clone body when he's dreaming. This poses the problem of him being able to feel psychological pain in the clone body as he thinks it's his normal body (possibly bringing up a subplot that clone bodies do have souls and minds, but are suppressed).
Joseph, the youngest, is a brilliant wussy little kid, who er, builds optical set ups, and is always trying to keep up with his brothers' physical activity, which is impossible because Jeff's clone body can run until it falls apart, as it doesn't feel strain from exercise like a normal body.
Cerberus, the mother, is a bit special. She was wealthy enough to store all her memories from her first life in a gigantic memory space located in the family basement and buy a clone of herself, to continue on with her second life. Most people in this future can't afford the digital memory space to contain their whole lives (usually only 30%, I remember that number very clearly), so have to pick and choose the memories they want to save and then store them in memory hubbs while their stock assets are managed by software programs until they save up enough money to buy a clone and restart their lives. Problem is, no one has ever met any one who has restarted their life with only half intact memories. The three characters were on their way to discovering some sentient spaceship hovering near the moon which was the store house for all the memories people had tried to save after they died who could not afford their own memory space. The memories had been linked to each other in a network to create a ghostly personality which had run amok on the star ship and was hell bent on seeking revenge on earth.
I have no idea why the mother was named Cerberus, I just remember she looked the same age as her sons, as she had died shortly after Joseph had been born, I assume.