brace yourself...boring ass rundown of my weekend...
so...long weekend was okay....friday was fun....did absolutely NOTHING saturday...nothing sunday during the day...went to el claudios at night...stayed there...watched psycho...ate food...slept....monday morning ma mere picked us up and we went food shopping for mondays barbeque-ness....that was fun....beaucoup des people came to my house monday night....claudias family came...stephen came...heather paul maggie....vicky....ben tiv....more more...blah blah was perdy cool...played volleyball....chilled with claudia and stephen mostly...haha amusingness...aye...then when everyone left....went to pick up whitney with tivoli and ben...then went to bens and got him to burn family guy for me....and took a lot of his dvds...hit up 7-11....went home....watched pauly shore is dead....twas funny...went to sleep....yesterday was bobbys b-day....went out....played baseball in the park....saw was eh...nothing special...went to chilis avec la famille....went home with tiv ben and whitney...picked dane up from his baseball game...went home....had cake....watched the sixth sense....then american pie 2.....went to bed....woke im here...doing nothing....BORED OUT OF MY FUCKING MIND.
i shoulda gone and met people for lunch...god damn laziness.
blah. i need...a life. and stuff.. i love geico commercials..
k done. later whores.