1// Name/Email/Im Sarah. Crazyteenagedream@hotmail.com. LeppySpaz (AIM)
2// Birthday November 4th. I'm 16 =D
3// Local Miami, Florida
4// Top 5 Bands Dredg, Kill Hannah, Smashing Pumpkins, Damone, The Cure
5// Hobbies Going online, going out, shopping (haha), watching TV, talking on the phone, hanging out with my friends and boyfriend. You know, the usual teenage stuff lol. I'm not an athletic person, so sports isn't included in this list lol. I can't remember the last time I worked out. I'm a little lazy in the excersize department hehehe =X
6// Pet Peeve really, really, really conceited people. I mean, if you're self-confident, that's cool. But there's no need to be constantly checking yourself out and talking about yourself and thinking your better than the rest of the population. Oh and people who are immature. Not childish, i-like-carebears-and-my-little-pony immature (because haha that's me), but like, i'm-not-talking-to-you-kuz-i-don't-like-you immature. I don't know, i'm complicating lol.
7// Why you want to join and why we should accept you I'd like to joing because the people who apply are funny (in a good way), and I'd like to vote on them, and plus, the members seem pretty cool. I'm not sure why you shouhld accept me. Isn't that what the voting's for? To determine that? Therefore, you should accept me for whatever reason you choose =)
8// How did you hear about us Someone mentioned it in
__dorkish9// Describe yourself in one word Spazzy.
10// What makes you unique I'm not one style, I change everyday. I'll be all "punk"ish one day, and somewhay "preppy"ish the next. ALso, I don't care what people think. I know there are people around me who can't stand me. I don't really care. Whatever, that's their opinion. They can call me a poser or a loser or whatever, it won't change what I say, think, or do. I do what I want, when I want, and I don't need people trying to make me think otherwise.
11// What is your personal theme song hmm. I have a few. But the first one I can think of is 311 - Creatures (For A While)
12// Make up a question and answer it errr. What's your favorite book and why? The Picture of DOrian Gray, because it's a perfect description of human nature. We all have secret sins that we attempt to hide, and although we're successful in hiding them from the rest of the world, we'll never be able to clear them from our coscience, and in the end, everything we've done will come back and bite us in the ass.
**At least two pictures**
i'm the short one on the right^