_So yesterday was a great time. I didnt know I could laugh so much, and have such a great time. I went over to Danny's at 6:30 where Jeremy and Tyler were playing a intense game of pool and I couldnt stop cracking up ... It was awesome. Then we all sat around and waited until we needed to leave so we could go to the movies and see Van Helsing. When we got there the Pistons game was on so we kept going back and forth from the theater to the lobby to watch the game. After the movie was like half over and we couldnt stand anymore of it we decided to go and spend the rest of our time there in the theater with the Pistons game. We came in at the second over time and they were tied. I was such a dork tho .. Danny Jeremy and Tyler couldnt stop laughing at me because of the way I got into the game. Oh well I had fun and they enjoyed laughing at me so it was perfect. But in like the middle of the third over time Jeremy's mother came to pick us up so we had to leave, but we kinda knew that the Pistons were going to lose which is a big dissapointment .. Ughh ! Anyways the car ride was the best I would have to say .. Me dancing to music and driving home at like 11:30 .. Couldnt get any better. Well that was my night and it was a whole heck of a lot of fun ... Thanks to you all .. : )
Loving you is the scariest thing I have ever done ....