I'm a lucky girl.
& I can't sleep.
I get like that, sometimes.
I love every minute of it.
1.What Time is it now? 1.16
2.What is your name? Lauren
3.Single or taken? TTTTAKEN.
4.What does your name mean? a 2-syllable girl's name of Latin origin, means: Victoriously crowned with laurels. I mean, literally.
5.Who picked out your name? my mom. apparently she had it picked out for a long time...[a long with about 243 other girls]
6.What's your nickname? I'm not cool enough for one. Unless it's "bunny."
7.How old are you? 18
8.What colour are your eyes? Hazel/Green. They change.
10.What size are your shoes? I can wear like the range of 7-8.
12.Tall (or short)? short.
13.Honestly what do you like about yourself? I'm pretty laid-back.
14.my talents: I'm still trying to figure that out.
15.What is your worst quality? Procrastination and not telling people how I really feel at times.
16.Phone Number? seven digits, seemingly endless possiblities. GET STARTED.
18.Hair colour? Dark brown with some grey hilights.
19.Do you wear contacts? yes, sometimes.
20.Who do you live with? parentals, LINDSEY as soon as college starts.
21.Favourite Drink? PEPSI
23.Favourite month? june <3
24.Favourite Food? edible kind
25.Favourite board Game? SORRY!
26.Favourite Web Site? livejournal/myspace. I'm cool, right?
27.Favorite clothing Brand? uh, whatever's cute? I try not to limit.
28.Favourite day of the Year? june 11.
29.Favourite colour? red
30.Favourite Animal? dogs
31.Do you have more girl or guy friends? Uh, dunno. I lost my tally sheet.
33.Are your parents together? Yes
34.How often do you get together with family? My family goes 3445436 different directions.
36.Anything special about your parents? they are both middle children of three.
37.Siblings and their ages? two, one is 13 going on 4, the other is 11 going on 27.
38.You're a flirt? HA that would require having some game.
41.You like someone? I DO I DO I DOOOOOOO!
42.Can you keep secrets? Yeah.
43.Do you dance in front of the mirror? If I'm feelin' it, duh. Anyone who says that they don't is a LIAR.
45.You sing in the shower? sure.
46.You liked Britney Spears? not really
47.You've liked a cousin? haha. I mean, I'm not down with incest.
48.You've been in the opposite sexes' bathroom? YES my first time was in the second grade, when our teachers made us because the boys made fun of the girls' bathroom and vice versa.
49.You've seriously hurt someone? I hope not, but I think so.
50.You've been hurt seriously? Oh yeah. It's life. We are all walking battle scars.
51.You swear? I sound funny when I do. So I try to avoid it.
52.You get your way? my writing journal.
53.You're willing to try new things? Usually.
54.You've cheated on a test? like a couple times. I'm not slick, so I usually didn't in grade school.
55.You've smoked? Nope.
57.What are you wearing? blue pjs, my fave white shirt, this cool gold necklace I found earlier.
58.What colour is your underwear? Emerald green.
59.What are you listening to? Motion City Soundtrack.
60.How are you feeling? Beautiful.
61.What are you doing? a survey.
62.What are you eating? nothing, right now.
63.How many people are online? a lot.
64.The weather? 79 degrees. Full moon. Werewolves galore.
65.What's on your mouse pad? I ain't got one of them. But then, I ain't got no mouse.
67.How many lip glosses do you have? I don't know/care.
69.What's in your purse? Wallet, checkbook, 20 questions magic thing, lotsotrash, receipts to the max, random jewelry, mechanical pencils.
70.Peircings on guys: *ahem* do you mean PIERCINGS? well, uh, I don't really care. As long as it's not some dumb numetal crap.
71.Tall or short boys? connor height.
73.Good or bad boys? good :)
75.Long hair or short hair on boys? don'tmatta
76.What do you find annoying in a guy? vanity. I mean, seriously, it didn't work for Narcissus. It's not going to work for you.
77.What's the first thing you notice about guys: the vibe they give off.
78.What kind of cologne do you use?
79.What's in your pockets?
80.Boxers or briefs?
81.Blonde or brunette girls?
82.Tall or short girls?
83.Piercings on girls:
84.Long or short hair on girls?
85.Good or bad girl?
86.What do you find annoying in girls?
87.What's the first thing you notice about girls?
88.What was the last movie you saw? Suspect Zero. Well kinda. I have no idea what it's about.
89.What did you have for dinner? yum salad from USPIZZA.
90.What are you hoping for? To feel this complete for a long time.
91.Have you ever fallen asleep in school? eh, not realy.
92.What movie do you really want to see? Corpse Bride
93.What are you hoping for? broken record, much?
94.What's your locker combo? don't have a locker.
95.Where is your favourite place to travel? I don't travel a lot. But I love St. Louis & New Orleans
96.What did you last dream about? Wouldn't know.
97.What was the last thing you ate? Salad.
98.If you were a crayon what colour would you be? RED. CLASSICO.
99.Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? connnnor.
100.Do you like the person that sent this to you? DUHZ she's my homeslice.
101.Last movie you watched? SSSSSCRRATCH. that's the record, repeatrepeat.
102.Ever had a crush on a teacher? ew, no.
103.Are you too shy to ask someone out? haha, oh yeah.
104.Scary movies or happy ending? scary movies. too bad there are very few in existence.
105.Summer or winter? SUMMER!
106.Relationships or one night stands? relationships. what kind of girl do you think I am?
107.Chocolate or Vanilla? MMM that's hard.
108.What did you do last night? Hung out with the girls & SHOPPED for dorm things.
109.Anything else you want to add? I don't want to wake up early tomorrow.
110.What time is it now? 1.58. shuddup I'm slow and distracted.
111.Have you ever cried over a guy/girl? ooooh yeah.
112.How many guys/girls have you ever dumped? haha, I don't know that I've dumped any, that kind of makes me sound like a heinous bitch. Once, my old best friend dumped my boyfriend in 2nd grade for me because apparently he "is SOOO not cool enough." Whatev, no blood on my hands.
113.How many times have you been dumped? hahaha, again. definitions are weird. I've been led on and blown off more times than I care to count.