
Jun 10, 2006 03:25

yay it's my birfdayyy :) I hope today is really awesome. I should probably be sleeping right now but i took a long nap after work so yeah...

A little after 12 i went to go buy my first legal pack of cigs...and i was sooooooooo mad THEY DIDN'T CARD ME! uhhh my plan failed. But hey i have all day. so im gonna try again lol.

I really hope he calls me ( Read more... )

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Comments 28

anonymous June 12 2006, 12:42:50 UTC
look in the mirror the truth hurts or you would not be so mad.


anonymous June 12 2006, 13:21:26 UTC
Who is mad? Not me. Truth is truth. I have nothing to feel bad about. I've been there for my kids - through the good times and the bad times. No regrets. Love them more than anything in the world and will always be there for them even if they aren't perfect. I'm not perfect either and that is okay. We know who really needs serious help. Don't make me say more please.


anonymous June 12 2006, 12:58:52 UTC
you need serious help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


anonymous June 12 2006, 14:00:32 UTC
Oops, those comments were probably directed to the one who originally wrote that nasty comment to Amanda.


brettunia June 12 2006, 22:56:07 UTC
why bother saying something cruel to someone when you dont know much about them?
I can see things from both sides. Amanda has done some bad things in life, and those things are certianly not approved by parents, But she learns from it and regrets doing it. She did deserve the punishments that were induced, like the car being taken away.
Still her father could at least talk to her sometimes, or spend time with her when he can.

Amanda is not looking to get rid of or piss off her dad. She just wants her father to talk to her and see her for the good and not the bad so much. She always wanted a good relationship, just she keeps running into bumps in the road.
On a final note, not a damn person in this world is perfect


brettunia June 13 2006, 12:49:02 UTC
I have been thinking about this since yesterday. All this anger and hostility you have has not made me feel good in any way. I don't like to fight with anyone. I try to forgive and move on. That is what I want for my kids - to work things out and forgive. That is so important. We all need to be able to talk to each other when things go wrong. A parent should not ignore their child. Their child in trouble is when they need their parents the most. Instead of trying to stick up for your husband - and by the way, he can fight his own battles - try and talk to Amanda. She always liked you and she didn't have to. I see it as things are slowly working out with Amanda and her dad and there shouldn't be any interference. I think if you really know Amanda, her heart is on her sleeve. Her friends know the turmoil she has with her father and they know what she has said to him, good or bad. They all know about it when she and I are having an issue. She is still learning, heck we all are. Life is tough enough without holding grudges ( ... )


brettunia June 13 2006, 12:53:17 UTC
One thing I forgot. The relationship between a father and a daughter is SO important for the daughter. It really makes a difference in how she feels about herself and what kind of person she chooses to marry someday.


_lovinq June 13 2006, 17:51:07 UTC
Mom You shouldn't be so nice all the time. when people aren't willing to be nice to you. You let people walk over you and you shouldn't, you don't deserve it. We've said this before and it doesn't make a difference. So just let it go i guess. And she obviously has nothing more to say anymore. She can dish it But can't take it.


brettunia June 14 2006, 05:15:24 UTC
haha, momma bear :D


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