To all my friends:
Look how far we've come.
It's been two years already, two chances to prove that we're something more than "stupid underclassmen" with no motivation or dedication.
"When I was young I thought that I knew everything
And she was a punk who rarely ever took advice..."
It's funny how stuck-up we were, thinking we were the shit and knew all there is to know about... well, everything. That must be some "coming down" feeling from middle school. As my mom says, we're at the top of the totem poll, then in an instant, get knocked down.
Reality likes to do that.
"My best friend took a week's vacation to forget her
His girl took a week's worth of Valium and slept
And now he's guilt-stricken sobbing with his head on the floor..."
I remember when she said she loved him, and he said it back. I felt both of them take a section of my heart and rip it apart... my newly ex-boyfriend and best friend... all I had at that point in time.
"Thinks about her now and how he never really wept, he says..."
Thankfully, I have moved onto someone who doesn't love me back either.
Reality likes to make sure you know you're not #1 on everybody's list.
"We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip"
Who would've thought you'd never even notice?
But through all this, so far we've come out alive, unscathed, still kicking. 0 for 2. Let's get through the remaining years with no problems, alright?
Hello. I write letters that don't get sent, sometimes with lyrics pulled in (gee, who'da thought that?). Don't do poetry, but I will contribute. Nice to meet you.