
Sep 17, 2007 22:52

The update for the two who asked: I survived. It was awful. Started out wonderful, surgery was a breeze, got worse as the days went on. Dr. is a fuckup, regret using him for so many reasons, one being he never told me that I'd be off work till the 20th. Not the 17th as I'd planned for and discussed at work. Dipshit. The nurse was shocked when I ( Read more... )

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Comments 3

angry_tears September 18 2007, 08:30:09 UTC
As if I didn't already feel shitty ENOUGH for not bothering to post a birthday entry for you and mail the worthless junk I got for you!

I would explain myself requires less energy NOT to. So whatever. I'm just a horrible bitchy friend, I guess.

Thanks for the postcard, though.


sadeyes9074 September 18 2007, 17:02:32 UTC
I wished you a happy birthday on YIM. So I HOPE to GOD you are not pissed off at me. I knew you'd be gone and not checking online.

And the post card was very nice...I am glad you had fun there.

Two weeks of recovery?? Holy shit. I never thought that type of surgery took that long. You always see people in the hospital for like, a day or two and eating a shit ton of ice cream. I hope you get better soon.

I have missed you, and glad to know you are back in at least one piece.


sadeyes9074 September 18 2007, 17:04:41 UTC
And also I emailed you at work. So, check that when you go back.


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