Not to be rude but if you don't like this community why do you stay? There are plenty of people that are rude from time to time, which I don't like, but I am not blowing up the board with how much I dislike this community, either.
I probably will, but that doesn't mean I can't let people know that they were being rude to a poster that didn't even do anything wrong or against the TOS. I could see if I went overboard and wrote a whole explination to this, but there's a survey that everybody fills out in this comm, so why is L_T_L any different?
It was just a single banner and everybody else got their panties in a bunch.
I get that. I guess people get worked up is they have to be voted for. The internet is a fascinating thing where people do not act as they would in person most of the time. I'm sorry you feel that the rude people outnumber the polite people. I hope you enjoy the crowd over at the other community and who knows, maybe I'll see you over there =)
You know its funny because I haven't gotten a single "no" because that's not what its about. The application is just to make sure that those who want to join are in long term, committed relationships and that they're not there just to troll.
I've never had a problem here and though I have posted all but a few times, the unanimous reaction to a promotion seems rediculous. I don't want to delete this post either but I don't see a reason. But I don't think I can stay in a place where people feel the need to lambast others just because they don't approve of what's written.
I know it's not your community, but LJ TOS forbids communities from requiring users to promote the community in order to join. You'd be doing the maintainer a favor if you let her know that.
And just because it's allowed here doesn't mean we have to like it or that we're not allowed to express our annoyance with it.
Doesn't mean that being rude is the rule to follow either. If I don't like a post, regardless of who posts it and/or why, I'm not going to complain and be rude in the post. That is what my personal journal is for.
Thanks for the heads up about the community. However in the responses you received I can only see one that was negative about the promotion itself, most seemed dismayed about being 'voted in' and as such weren't interested. There were some smart alec responses (that I personally found amusing) but I didn't think they were aimed personally at you (initially) just about the process for joining the community you promoted. *shrugs* I don't think people meant anything rude by it, just a 'woah, you get voted in??' - when I read your ETA I expected major upsets about you promoting another comm, but there's hardly anything about that. /my two cents :)
Comments 44
It was just a single banner and everybody else got their panties in a bunch.
I've never had a problem here and though I have posted all but a few times, the unanimous reaction to a promotion seems rediculous. I don't want to delete this post either but I don't see a reason. But I don't think I can stay in a place where people feel the need to lambast others just because they don't approve of what's written.
I hope to see you there too :)
And just because it's allowed here doesn't mean we have to like it or that we're not allowed to express our annoyance with it.
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