I haven't been working because I have been doing a full time student teaching practicum. I just started working again today, but won't get paid until December 26th. Ian keeps telling me that it's 'our money', but I still feel crappy about it.
I didn't have a job when we moved here last year, so I wasn't paying any bills. What he did was give me our security deposit refund as my own spending money until I was able to find something - he knew I felt awful about not being able to buy him something for his birthday, and that I was about to take a low paying job just to have something.
Currently I'm a jobless immigrant, so my husband is the only one with an income. I really have been having a hard time getting over the mine/his issue with the money, but he tells me we're a family now and it's OURS. We run most purchases by each other beforehand, to make sure it's what both of us want... and with presents we try to stick to a "useful" item that's not going to put us into the poorhouse any further *L* One thing that I do is MAKE most of the gifts I give. So I'll buy supplies as inexpensively as possible and then "spend" more energy and time in making it.
My husband handles most of our finances. The truth is, I'm really horrible with money (my mom was too). While in theory I know how to balance a checkbook, I can never seem to keep it straight. When hubby and I got together, one of the first things he did was pull me out of money hell. Of course, he makes the lions share of our income. I absolutely love my job, but not for the money (I make just a little over minimum wage).
One thing I have is 'my' credit card. Husband pays it at the beginning of the month and occasionally asks me how much is on it (if we need to buy something). Other then that, though, it's mine. He doesn't track it. WHen I need to buy him a gift, I use that card.
My husband is the primary income, I sell Avon but it doesnt bring in much just getting started with it. Anyway it's never been "his" or "my" money, we have a joint account and its just "our" money. We buy each other stuff from the account and just make sure to enter in the amount without showing the other the receipt.
Comments 49
One thing I have is 'my' credit card. Husband pays it at the beginning of the month and occasionally asks me how much is on it (if we need to buy something). Other then that, though, it's mine. He doesn't track it. WHen I need to buy him a gift, I use that card.
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