Hello! Yes. This is my first time online since like ... last August? Eeee. I've been a sucky online friend this year. School and work have just kicked my rumpus. How are you????
And it has been kind of crazy year for me. Lots of ups and downs and lots of changes, but it's all good.
And I'm not sure what you're looking for RP-wise, but BRS just went to private storyline mode for the next few months and I'm sure you would be welcome back there. Basically, PSL mode means that we can do stuff toward the main game plot and just random threads that don't connect with the game plot and it means that there's a lot less in the way of activity requirements and everyone is welcome to bring in more characters without having to apply. Of course, the downside is that it's been a little bit quiet over there lately, but there are a small amount of us still around and willing to play and it's kinda nice being that cozy.
Comments 9
You should check it out. Most of the wanted characters are my creations, too. Heh. (Everything that isn't the first one or the "rawhead" one.)
This is me reading all of the FAQs right now. (And paying close attention to the wanted characters.)
Hello! Yes. This is my first time online since like ... last August? Eeee. I've been a sucky online friend this year. School and work have just kicked my rumpus. How are you????
And it has been kind of crazy year for me. Lots of ups and downs and lots of changes, but it's all good.
And I'm not sure what you're looking for RP-wise, but BRS just went to private storyline mode for the next few months and I'm sure you would be welcome back there. Basically, PSL mode means that we can do stuff toward the main game plot and just random threads that don't connect with the game plot and it means that there's a lot less in the way of activity requirements and everyone is welcome to bring in more characters without having to apply. Of course, the downside is that it's been a little bit quiet over there lately, but there are a small amount of us still around and willing to play and it's kinda nice being that cozy.
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