I am in a ridiculously good mood today. And I think there were a bunch of things I was going to say next time I posted to LJ, but I can't remember them right now, so I just wanted to say THANK YOU to
maubast and whichever kind anonymous person gave me snowflake cookies. With virtual edible ball bearings, even
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Comments 9
I too am looking forward to the Christmas eps. NOM NOM NOM. Although what I would like to see, carrying the Waters of Mars stuff forward, versus what I think they're going to give me...well, that's what we have fic for, right? (Can't get into it yet without spoilers for WoM, but it's the difference between "interesting character development and conflict and consequences and PLOT", and "BOUNCY BOUNCY CRAZY CRAZY WHEEEEEEE!!!!!")
And speaking of fic, I replied to the comment you left in my LJ with a tiny bit more fic...since LJ's still screwed up with the notifications, just thought I'd give you a heads-up. *g*
...And I've definitely got to watch it now, and that's definitely what we have fic for.
YAY FIC! *goes to read, because, no, I'm not getting notifs, grr*
You didnt post dog-news! How is Nelson?
Nelson's fine! He's learning "leave it" pretty well, and he's got "sit," "down," and (usually) "come here," figured out, too. He's a happy, bouncy boy and he makes me laugh often. I'm so glad I adopted him.
Good to hear from Nelson! I had to smile at the (usually) "come here", why is it that that command never sticks very well? I would really like to know, sometimes I get a prompt return and sometimes a very delayed, with a lot of sniffing the ground, maybe I want to obey return! :D
Hee about the dogs! They definitely have better things to do than listen sometimes! But I've had a cat for years, so I'm used to that. *g*
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