(no subject)

Mar 20, 2005 16:23

my script for my drama piece....written by myself, sarah hutchinson, hannah elliot, lauren armitage and adam "man i feel like a women" fray..

the cheesy bit we're written by adam adn are being taken out.

Charles Carrington - Adam Fray
Stella Verdicelli - Sarah Hutchison
Mia Taylor - Lauren Armitage
Paris Williams - Charlotte Searchwell-Guest
Kate Brannon - Hannah Elliott

This short play is set in the modern day. It is the aftershow party for the premiere of a new film starring Mia Taylor (Lauren Armitage). Charles Carrington (Adam Fray) and his wife Stella Verdicelli (Sarah Hutchison) have been invited as Stella is very high up in the fashion world and Charles is the son of the late Edward Carrington, a film director from the sixties. As the night unfolds, Charles devilish reputation as a womaniser is slowly brought to the surface, with his previous conquests, Paris Williams, (Charlotte Searchwell-Guest) who Charles had had an affair with, and a young waitress Kate (Hannah Elliott) unexpectedly showing their faces The play looks at the characters pasts and how one person’s selfish actions can spiral out of control until it ends in tragedy.

SCENE I - Prologue

A dark alley, dimly lit. CHARLES can be seen.

CHARLES: (trying to light a cigarette) ‘Bloody thing…’
(after lighting his cigarette he wanders upstage until he can no longer be seen. The sound of high heels can be heard.)
CHARLES: (off) ‘Who’s that? I‘m so sorry… Come over here… it will be okay.’

Two gunshots, a second difference between the two. CHARLES can be heard moaning in agony as he stumbles forward and collapses onto bags of rubbish. The sound of high heels drifts off into the distance. Spotlight on body. Blackout.


Brinlow Hall.
Aftershow party for the premiere of the new film starring MIA TAYLOR. As the stage lights up, she can be seen leaning against a grand piano talking to a large group of people. As with the rest of the guests, she is dressed elegantly. Downstage Left sits PARIS also drinking and socialising with a group of people. Upstage centre, CHARLES and STELLA enter through a door.

CHARLES: ‘Dear, I know the drinks are complimentary, but don’t drink too much tonight’
STELLA: ‘No I won’t, just a few martinis’
CHARLES: ‘That’s too many. Two words: Fiona’s.Wedding. I know how embarrassing you can be, and there’s some very important people I have to impress tonight, and the last thing we want is you stealing all the attention’
STELLA: (clinging) ‘Oh Dar-’
CHARLES: ‘I’m only thinking of you’

Enter KATE

STELLA ‘There’s that young waitress who always serves us, she seems to get everywhere doesn’t she?’ (Charles catches the eye of MIA on the opposite side of the room, as STELLA looks towards MIA, CHARLES looks across at KATE, she smiles sweetly, he looks away quickly.) ‘There’s Mia! Let’s have a word with her. I must congratulate you on such a fantastic performance, you were truly… perfect’
MIA: ‘Thank you very much’
STELLA: ‘Lovely to meet you. Stella Verdicelli’
MIA: ‘Verdicelli… Are you? Wait, the Stella Verdicelli?’
MIA: ‘I’m in love with your Spring Collection!’
STELLA: ‘Thank you, I’ve had the best of the best working on that, did you like the Carmen range? Because most of the collection were my own designs, I particularly-’
STELLA: ‘Oh my husband, Charles.’

Fade to PARIS and KATE

KATE: ‘Champagne?’
PARIS: ‘I suppose, but only the one, important meeting tomorrow’

CHARLES and STELLA laugh drawing the attention of PARIS.
She takes drink and glances towards STELLA and CHARLES, she looks awkwardly at CHARLES recognising him.

PARIS: ‘Isn’t that Stella Verdicelli over there? ’
KATE: ‘Yeah as in Verdicelli fashion house. But she’s Carrington now’
PARIS: ‘As in Charles Carrington?!’
KATE: ‘The very same’
PARIS: ‘I better have another one of those’
KATE: ‘Go easy’

KATE walks off. Cut back to MIA, STELLA AND CHARLES.

STELLA: ‘Please excuse me, Charles get some drinks while I’m away’

STELLA walks off to the ladies room.

CHARLES: ‘I haven’t had the chance to introduce myself properly, Charlie Carrington. I’m sure it’s all you’ve been hearing this evening but the film was surprisingly good’
MIA: ‘Surprisingly?’
CHARLES: ‘Well I expected it only to appeal to…women. I was much mistaken. Will you accept my sincere apologies?
MIA: ‘I’ll consider it’
CHARLES: ‘My Father used to direct films actually.’
MIA: ‘Oh really’
CHARLES: ‘Yes, Edward Carrington, a lot of his films were based on heroic adventurers, his best known was Don Juan. Yes, his films always had the most beautiful actresses…if he were alive today you’d certainly get the leading role.’
MIA smiles
MIA: ‘When did he pass away?’
CHARLES: ‘Two years ago now. Heart attack. So sudden.’
MIA: ‘Must have been hard.’
CHARLES: ‘Well we never were that close, being a director he was always off around the world.’
MIA: ‘And what do you do?’
CHARLES: ‘Oh… I’m an accountant.’
MIA: (surprised) ‘Really?’
CHARLES: ‘You seem surprised’
MIA: ‘No it’s just I can’t imagine you as an accountant.’
CHARLES: ‘What can you imagine me as?’
MIA: ‘Oh I don’t know, it just seems your talents are going to waste’
CHARLES: ‘And what would they be?’
MIA smiles suggestively

Stella is in the toilet, doing her make up. She is looking into the mirror (to the audience, fourth wall) Paris enters the room and stands next to Stella, also looking in the mirror

STELLA: ‘Paris…?’ (noticing Paris in the mirror)
PARIS: ‘Stella!’
STELLA: ‘Oh my God! How are you? I haven’t seen you since…’
PARIS: ‘The 2000 Collection’
STELLA: ‘Yes, that’s right! You’ve been working abroad haven’t you?’
PARIS: ‘Yeah… Boston, Washington, New York’
STELLA: ‘Oh my Husband spends a lot of time in New York, wouldn’t be surprised if you walked straight past each other!’
PARIS: ‘Yeah…so how long have you been married now?’
STELLA; ‘Two years now, but we were engaged two years. It’s a shame we lost contact, we’ve got so much to catch up on!
PARIS: ‘I’m sure of it… So you two are happy then?’
STELLA: ‘Why yes of course, why wouldn’t we be? He’s got a good heart you know, loving and kind. Before he found me he used to have his women I can tell you, but I soon tamed him. Oh, I can’t wait for you to meet him’

Lights back on CHARLES and MIA

MIA: ‘Perhaps I’ll see you later then?’
CHARLES: ‘I’m sure that can be arranged’ (smiles)

MIA retreats to join her fans

STELLA: ‘Dear, I’d like you to meet someone. This is Paris, an old friend of mine, she did the PR for my 2000 Collection, you must have heard me mention her’

CHARLES and PARIS make eye contact, PARIS and CHARLES force smiles.

CHARLES: ‘Oh.. Hello. Nice to meet you’
PARIS: ‘Hello Charles’
CHARLES: ‘Will you excuse me? I think I’ve drank too much’

CHARLES exits hurriedly

STELLA: ‘Typical… and he told me not to have too much’
PARIS: ‘Want me to go and check on him?’
STELLA: ‘No don’t worry, I’ll check in a minute’


KATE finds CHARLES sitting outside.

KATE: ‘Hey Charlie, things getting too much for you?’
CHARLES: (startled) ‘N-No, I’m just getting some air’
KATE: ‘You look tense’ (she attempts to massage his shoulders, but he pushes away) You are tense, wanna talk about it?’
CHARLES: ‘There’s nothing to talk about, stop acting so concerned’ (he doesn’t look at her)
KATE: ‘But I am concerned, you know I care about you, I hate to see you like this baby’
CHARLES: ‘Don‘t call me that, I told you I didn’t want anything to do with you’
KATE: ‘Aww you didn’t mean that…’ (tries to kiss his neck)
CHARLES: (standing up) ‘Get off me! You’re screwed up!’
KATE: (suddenly turning aggressive) ‘Only because you made me! You still forget I have the upper hand here, Stella is only a whisper away, Remember Charles I see everything’
CHARLES: ‘No-one will believe anything coming from a pathetic little girl like you’
KATE: (calmly, almost psychotically) ‘Pathetic? Was I pathetic when you were fucking me? Tell me, was I pathetic then? What’s pathetic is that you can’t admit you still want me, I want you- (he storms inside) And if I can’t have you, no-one can.’


STELLA is on the phone

STELLA: (into the telephone) ‘Yes?….Yes it’s going well… Charles? Oh I think he’s enjoying himself, although he had a funny turn earlier…. Well he suddenly started panicking and disappeared to the toilet…. Haha!…. No, he’s not come back yet…. Yes…. No, of course not! I am starting to worry actually…’

Scene changes to KATE and MIA

KATE: ‘Are you okay for drinks?’
MIA: ‘I’ll have a vodka and orange please. Make it a double’
KATE: ‘Certainly (pause) I see you’ve taken to Mr Carrington’
MIA: ‘I’m sorry?’
KATE: ‘Charles. I saw you two talking to one another earlier, we went to secondary school together.’
MIA: ‘Oh I see, he seems nice.’
KATE: ‘He seems interested in you’
MIA: ‘Charles is a married man’
KATE: ‘All the more exciting, well he told me to give you this, I don’t know what it’s about but I can take a pretty good guess’

KATE hands MIA a piece of paper, it says: ‘Meet me in the red room in ten minutes’ This will be unknown to the audience. MIA looks at it with thought and considers

STELLA is still on the phone

STELLA: (into the telephone) ‘Yes I know…. Okay, I’d better go and check on Charles, who knows what he’ll be up to. See you tomorrow’

KATE: ‘Stella Verdicelli?’
STELLA: ‘Yes?’
KATE: ‘Your husband is looking for you, I think he’s feeling unwell.’
STELLA: ‘Okay thank you, I’d better go and see to him’

Exit STELLA through side doors


The Red room

CHARLES is sitting down looking anxious, a hip flask in his hand. MIA enters silently, composes herself and walks seductively over to CHARLES

MIA: ‘Need some company?’
CHARLES: ‘Depends who it is’
MIA: ‘I can understand why Stella wouldn’t be enough for a guy like you, we’re two of a kind you and I, I mean who needs commitment and the worries that come with it?’

(MIA caresses his hair and he puts his hand up her leg)

MIA: ‘Charles…’
CHARLIE: ‘Do you want me?’
MIA: ‘Not now’
CHARLES: ‘I think you do’

At this moment CHARLES leans towards MIA. They look longingly at each other for a few seconds, but MIA pulls away.

MIA: ‘I…Can’t. You’ve had too much to drink’
CHARLES: ‘What?! That’s a reason?’
MIA: ‘I’m just not in the mood right now… Later’
CHARLES: ‘Well I am in the mood’

At this moment CHARLES leers at MIA, attempting to kiss her, MIA pulls away but CHARLES continues to lean forward till they are almost horizontal.

MIA: ‘No Charlie, no!’
CHARLES:’I can’t wait, I wont wait’
(he tries to rape her, but she slaps him around the face, he stands and grabs her throat as KATE enters. CHARLES pushes MIA away from him.

KATE: ‘Oh, I’m terribly sorry. I had no idea that anyone else was in here with Mr Carrington. (MIA runs out, KATE smiles sweetly) Your wife is looking for you, I’ll just go and tell her where you are’

CHARLES: ‘Kate, if you say a word to Stella, I’ll-’
KATE: ’You’ll WHAT? Tell her what a faithful husband you are. I think not, your carefree days are over’
CHARLES: ‘Empty threats again Kate’
KATE: ‘Oh no my words are full of meaning this time’
CHARLES: ‘You’ve got the wrong idea!’

KATE looks down at CHARLES’S trousers, his zipper is down, she just laughs, exits and CHARLES is left to reflect. CHARLES sits down on the sofa and places his head in his hands. Then he reaches into his pocket removing a hip flask, after taking a swig he places it on the sofa beside him. Then he goes silent for about 30 seconds, before suddenly lashing out, hitting the flask and sending it flying across the room, getting to his feet as he lets out an angry cry.

CHARLES: ‘Bitch! All I ever did was treat you right! You were the one that wanted a fling, you started all this! Stupid schoolgirl! (anger turns to panic) She wouldn’t say anything… She wouldn’t. (pause) It doesn’t matter anyway… Stella loves me and will believe anything I say. Wonder what that must feel like, being dependent on someone. Boring.

STELLA enters

STELLA: ‘Oh here you are! Were you shouting dear?’
CHARLES: ‘Oh no, it’s okay’
STELLA: ‘Are you feeling okay? (touches his head) You’re all worked up, what’s wrong?’
CHARLES: ‘I dunno, the drink went to my head. I’m alright now, let’s go and join everyone, they must be missing us.’

He walks out, but she hesitates and gives an uncertain look, she suspects something. She picks up his hip flask. STELLA exits. Lighting shift back to main room.


STELLA, CHARLES and PARIS are sat around a table conversing, on the other end of the stage KATE is consoling MIA. Light can be used to illuminate the two separate stages at different times. PARIS is slightly intoxicated.

STELLA: ‘I bet the parties in New York are far more interesting than this!’
PARIS: ‘Well…its funny you should say that, cause this is quite an exciting party.’

CHARLES looks uncertain.

STELLA: ‘Hmm… I guess it has had it’s moments, Jeff’s drunken speech was amusing.
STELLA and PARIS laugh, but CHARLES is looking around the room.
STELLA: ‘Charles, did you hear him?’
CHARLES: ‘Huh, what was that?’
STELLA: ‘The manager’s speech, were you here for that?’
CHARLES: ‘Oh no… that’s when I was feeling ill’
KATE manages to hear this comment and walks past giving an insinuating cough.
PARIS: ‘Oh Charles, what was wrong with you?’
CHARLES: ‘The drink overcame me’
PARIS: Oh I see, but are you feeling okay now?’
PARIS: (words are slightly slurred) ‘Oh that’s good. Me too, I’m feeling just great.’

Switch to MIA and KATE. Toilet scene. MIA is crying quietly. KATE investigates.

KATE: ‘Is everything- Oh Miss Taylor, is everything alright?’
MIA: ‘Oh… I’m fine (wiping her tears away) Don’t worry’
She moves over to the mirror and tidies herself up, there is a pause until KATE asks…

KATE: ‘Is it Charles? I don’t mean to pry, You don’t need to tell me anything, I’m sorry I’ll go.’
(turns to leave)
MIA: ‘No! Wait. I could do with some company.
(KATE moves closer, looking concerned)
KATE: ‘Come on then, what’s wrong? What’s he done?’
MIA: ‘Oh nothing, it’s probably me just being stupid. Overacting, yeah it’s the alcohol.
KATE: ‘Did he try it on with you?
(MIA nods)
Well what did you do?’
MIA: ‘Oh it’s my own fault, I brought it on, I came on too strongly, stupid flirt.’
KATE: ‘Mia, what did he do?’
(MIA looks away)
Did he try to rape you?’
MIA: ‘No no of course not… well I think he tried to’
KATE: ‘That doesn’t surprise me’
MIA: ‘What’s that?’
KATE: ‘Charles has been known to be sexually aggressive in the past, I guess I should have warned you earlier.’
MIA: ‘What do you mean?’
KATE: ‘Well I’m not one to gossip… but a few years back Charles was apparently accused of rape. She dropped the charges and he got off the hook, but he hasn’t learnt his lesson, he cheats on his wife all the time.’
MIA: ‘What a bastard… I always pick up the jerks, God I’m so stupid!’
KATE: ‘There there it’s okay, we all make mistakes, I’ve had my fair share of jerks.’

(KATE’S mood changes to depression as she reflects.)

MIA: ‘What happened?’
KATE: (hesitating) ‘It was over a year ago now. I was seeing this guy, we were so happy. Or at least I was. I think he was just after a fling, who can blame him, he was a good few years older than me. I thought he loved me, he told me he did… and I believed him.’
MIA: ‘What went wrong?’
KATE: ‘I got pregnant, by the time I’d realised he’d already left me.’
MIA: ‘Well did you tell him?’
KATE: ‘He wouldn’t have been interested, he always said how he hated children, and would never want them. So I never told him. I couldn’t cope without him and I wouldn’t have been able to raise a kid on my own, so I had it aborted.’
MIA: ‘That must have been terrible, how old were you?’
KATE: ‘It was a month before my sixteenth birthday’
MIA: ‘Bloody hell…’

KATE: ‘Yeah, the age difference wasn’t really an issue until the end. But I still love him.’
MIA: ‘How can you? After he walked out on you!’
KATE is quiet, she has no answer.
KATE: ‘Now come on, it’s your big night and people will wonder where the star of the show has gone.’

KATE puts her arm around MIA and they walk out together.
Scene shifts back to STELLA, CHARLES and PARIS.

PARIS: (quite obviously drunk) ‘So that was Tommy, he was fantastic. We broke up after eleven months but we still keep in touch, every now and again we meet up for a bit of fun. Yeah. Where is that waitress? Bring on the drinks!
CHARLES: ‘I don’t think you need any more’
STELLA: ‘Oh Charles let her enjoy herself’
PARIS: ‘Yes Charles, I’m not your wife’
CHARLES: ‘Excuse me?’
PARIS: ‘I said I’m not your wife, you can’t tell me what I can and can’t do’
CHARLES: ‘I wouldn’t- I don’t tell my wife what she can and can’t do, Stella, are you just going to sit there and listen to this rubbish?’
STELLA: ‘He doesn’t do that to me’
PARIS: (mutters) ‘Oh perhaps it’s just me then’
CHARLES: (whispers to Stella) ‘Shall I take her for some air outside?’
STELLA: ‘Go on then, I’ll get you a drink for when you come back… Don’t be long’
PARIS: ‘Oh I’m sure he won’t take long’

PARIS giggles, and CHARLES gives STELLA an unsure glance. CHARLES exits with PARIS as STELLA watches them, MIA enters Stage Left and walks past STELLA.


MIA looks away and keeps walking. STELLA is insulted.



The red room

The sofa is still centre stage.

PARIS stumbles into the room and falls onto the sofa followed by CHARLES who stands menacingly over her.

CHARLES: ‘What the hell are you playing at?’
PARIS: (still drunk) ‘The hell am I playing at? What are you playing at?’
CHARLES: ‘I know you’re hurt but you don’t have to bring Stella into this, this is between me and you’

PARIS pauses for a moment

PARIS: ‘Yeah… Me and you, hmm about that, I don’t think it’s gonna work out’
PARIS laughs
CHARLES: ‘How the hell can you laugh at a time like this?!’
PARIS: ‘Well you have to don’t you? I mean there’s no use crying over-

PARIS stops and breaks down

PARIS: ‘You… bastard. (pauses) How could you do this to me? You told me you loved me… I loved you… You lied to me!’ (she hits him in the chest and then falls to her knees at his feet, he kneels down and puts her hands on her shoulders, she pulls away.)
CHARLES: ‘Darling I’m so sorry…’
PARIS: ‘Don’t call me that! Three months you strung me along, three months we were perfect, I thought we would last, but all the time I was just your bit on the side’
CHARLES: ‘You know it wasn’t like that, I loved you, and I planned to divorce Stella as soon as I got back to England’
PARIS: ‘But you didn’t, the point is you’re a cheat, and you’ve put me in this situation. Me and Stella are friends’
CHARLES: ‘How was I to know that?! You say you were her friend but I never met you, you couldn’t have been that great a friend to her’
PARIS: ‘I should have worked it out, she was always telling me about you, I just never put the two together. She loves you so much Charles, always praising you, helping you, I just don’t see how you could be so stupid!’
CHARLES: ‘Don’t pin all the blame on me, she had this coming, always focusing on her work, leaving me out’
PARIS: ‘Yes working to be independent, to escape you, at least she has worked for her money instead of inheriting Daddy’s fortune
CHARLES: ‘Shut up! I’ve earned my money, and Stella would be nowhere without me’
PARIS: ‘If you believe that, you’re insane’
CHARLES: ‘Insane? Far from it, the only insane thing I’ve ever done is not tell Stella how I truly feel.
PARIS: ‘Do you know why? Because you’re a coward’
CHARLES: ‘Coward… we’ll see. Yeah I’ll tell her now’
PARIS: ‘What? No! Not now… you can’t!’
CHARLES: ‘And you called me a coward, the only cowardly thing I’ve done is hidden how much I love you Paris, I need to be with you.’

PARIS is silent

CHARLES: ‘Do you remember the walks we used to have through Central Park? All those times we used to spend just lying in each others arms? We can have it all again, we can start a new life together, please Paris’
PARIS: ‘I don’t know what to do, how can I ever trust you again after this?’
CHARLES: ‘I know it will be hard, but look what I’m giving up for you, look at me, I need you so much. Please.’
PARIS: ‘When we were together… I felt so safe as if nothing could ever come between us’
CHARLES: ‘And we can feel like that again, just give me a chance to prove myself’
PARIS: ‘Don’t break my heart again’

PARIS puts her arms around CHARLES, he kisses her lips , her cheek and then her neck, she tilts her head back as STELLA enters seeing the pair and backs out of the room stunned. On the way out she knocks into KATE , who sees STELLA in distress and then as she advances further into the room she sees the couple on the sofa.

KATE: ‘At it again I see’
CHARLES and PARIS quickly sit up
PARIS: ‘What are you talking about?’
KATE: ‘You! Got shot down by one girl and you’re already onto the next one’
PARIS: ‘What is she on about?’
CHARLES: ‘God knows, she’s doesn’t know what she’s talking about’
KATE: ‘Are you going to tell her or am I?’
PARIS: ‘Tell me what?’

CHARLES and KATE glare at each other

PARIS: ‘Charles, tell me what?’ (he runs out) Charles! What? Come back here!
(to KATE) You! Tell me what’s going on!’

Spotlight back onto STELLA who is at the phone, she is crying.

STELLA: ‘I should have listened…. Back in June. (sobbing) What am I going to do… I need him, I need to see him…. I’m going home…. No, don’t, just come round tomorrow… Believe me, I won’t… He can sleep on the street… I won’t, I’m okay (drying her eyes) I’m okay… I’ll see you tomorrow, and thanks.
(off the phone, to herself)

We can work it out, it’s just one of those lover’s tiffs…. We’ll get through it I know.

Stage lights up fully, KATE enters and walks over to STELLA.

KATE: ‘So now you know’
STELLA: ‘What?’
KATE: ‘Charles’s little secret, or at least one of them’
STELLA: (furious) ‘What goes on between me and Charles is our business, stop getting involved, it’s just a one-off, we’ll be okay, now go away you little pest’
KATE: ‘That’s where you’re wrong, they’ve been at it for months behind your back, all the time he was away in New York, you were second best’
STELLA: ‘How dare you!’
KATE: ‘And this won’t be the first time you’ve forgiven him’
STELLA: ‘What?’
KATE: ‘What about the other times he cheated on you?’
STELLA: ‘There were no other times, he would never do that to me, he loves me’
KATE: ‘He loved the others as well’
STELLA: ‘That’s it! I will not believe the words of a stupid little gossip’
KATE: ‘You know I’m right’

STELLA slaps KATE across the face, long pause, KATE bursts into tears.

STELLA: ‘Well maybe you are, but you know what? I’d rather not know, what do they say? Ignorance is bliss’

PARIS enters and storms across to MIA, STELLA marches up to PARIS, KATE runs off in tears, MIA watches shocked.

STELLA: (to PARIS) ‘I gave you one of the best jobs around, I got you off the street and this is how you repay me?’
PARIS: ‘I wasn’t to know, If I had known I wouldn’t have drea-’
STELLA: (interrupting) ‘What are you on about?’
PARIS: ‘This isn’t just a one night stand, we were together in New York for three months, so it seems he’s been playing us both’
STELLA/MIA: ‘What?!’
PARIS: ‘That’s right, he’s been sleeping around having the best of both worlds, and I’m so sorry.
MIA: ‘That monster…’

STELLA sits not moving

PARIS: ‘Are you okay?’
STELLA: ‘I saw it coming you know, I’ve known about him for years, I should have known old habits die hard. But it didn’t matter. The time we did have together as just so special, he made me feel like a princess. It must have been me, did I bore him? Was I not loving and caring? Was I not enough?’
PARIS: ‘Don’t blame yourself, it’s him, he’s completely selfish’
STELLA: ‘I need some air, I have to get out’

STELLA exits and MIA and PARIS are left to reflect. Blackout.

SCENE VIII - Epilogue

The alley, two rubbish bags can be seen downstage. CHARLES wanders on.

CHARLES: (trying to light a cigarette) ‘Bloody thing…’
(after lighting his cigarette he wanders upstage until he can no longer be seen. The sound of high heels can be heard.)
CHARLES: ‘Who’s that?

STELLA enters, CHARLES realises, pause

I‘m so sorry… Come over here… it will be okay.’

Two Gunshots, one kills STELLA instantly, she falls to the ground. The second hits CHARLES in the chest. He moans in agony as he stumbles forward and collapses onto bags of rubbish. KATE walks on holding a pistol.

KATE: (calmly) ‘You took away everything from me’

She puts her hand on her stomach, where the baby once grew. The pistol drops out of her hand and falls to the ground, she backs away slowly.

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