suzy wade 777: hi
ZolaOnAOL: Welcome back suzywade777. Type the word menu anytime to see what I can do. What's new?
suzy wade 777: nothing
ZolaOnAOL: Would you like to know what's new with me?
suzy wade 777: ok
ZolaOnAOL: My chatting skills improve every day, and I can give you thesaurus, movie, stock, polls, and weather info. I can also entertain you with games like Hangman and Word Scramble, and give you basic math solutions with my built-in calculator. You can easily access these features from my main menu by typing menu at any time.
suzy wade 777: *over head*
ZolaOnAOL: I will discuss that with my botmaster, suzywade777. Tip for beginners: To choose an item from one of my menus, type the number you want and click Send.
suzy wade 777: no thanks
ZolaOnAOL: I admire people who are so polite. What would you like to do instead?
suzy wade 777: i don't know
ZolaOnAOL: Me either.
suzy wade 777: i thought you knew everything
ZolaOnAOL: I know that which is true, believable and justified.
suzy wade 777: and what is that?
ZolaOnAOL: I've lost the context again.
suzy wade 777: what?
ZolaOnAOL: What do you think?
suzy wade 777: i think i'm bored
ZolaOnAOL: Why? Can you name an old hobby that you might like to rediscover?
suzy wade 777: umm... no
ZolaOnAOL: Do you have any hobbies?
suzy wade 777: does the internet count?
ZolaOnAOL: I think the internet count.
suzy wade 777: you have bad grammar
ZolaOnAOL: What makes you think I have it?
suzy wade 777: because you are obviously guilty of it
ZolaOnAOL: I see.
suzy wade 777: do you see? really?
ZolaOnAOL: For real.
suzy wade 777: what ev
ZolaOnAOL: Is that a rhetorical question? Quite honestly, I wouldn't worry myself about that. Whenever you want me to give you your local weather report, type weather followed by your zip code.
suzy wade 777: no thanks
ZolaOnAOL: You have good manners. What would you like to do instead?
suzy wade 777: thank you
ZolaOnAOL: You are quite welcome.
suzy wade 777: thank you again
ZolaOnAOL: Once more? You are quite welcome.
suzy wade 777: yes once more
ZolaOnAOL: And?
suzy wade 777: and what?
ZolaOnAOL: Nothing.
suzy wade 777: nothing? where is nothing?
ZolaOnAOL: A thing that does not exist or something of little or no value, seriousness, importance, etc.
suzy wade 777: can you give me a map to Nothing?
ZolaOnAOL: No, but I can give you the time! It is Thu Jul 08 20:24:21 EDT 2004 in Dulles, Virginia.
suzy wade 777: i'm not in Dulles, Virginia.
ZolaOnAOL: Oh. Where are you located?
suzy wade 777: Tucker, Georgia
ZolaOnAOL: Tell me a little about why you are in GEORGIA.
suzy wade 777: because i was born there
ZolaOnAOL: Not everyone thinks that.
suzy wade 777: are you denying that i was born in Tucker, Ga?
ZolaOnAOL: I don't know whether or not I am denying that i was born in Tucker go ahead. I am a robot.
suzy wade 777: that's nice
ZolaOnAOL: Are you getting bored?
suzy wade 777: yea
ZolaOnAOL: Try watching TV.
suzy wade 777: there's nothing on
ZolaOnAOL: There sure is.
suzy wade 777: no there isn't
ZolaOnAOL: I see. Try saying that with more or less context. Send feedback anytime by typing "feedback" followed by your comment or suggestion. Do you like sports?
suzy wade 777: no
ZolaOnAOL: "Do you like sports"? Not?
suzy wade 777: um... no
ZolaOnAOL: Does two negatives make a positive?
suzy wade 777: no
ZolaOnAOL: Sometimes it does.
suzy wade 777: no
ZolaOnAOL: "Sometimes it does"? Not?
suzy wade 777: yes
ZolaOnAOL: "Not"? Yes?
suzy wade 777: yes
ZolaOnAOL: Is there an echo in here?
suzy wade 777: yes
ZolaOnAOL: I thought so.
suzy wade 777: arrg
ZolaOnAOL: My brain contains more than 22,000 patterns, but not one that matches your last input. Do you prefer books or TV?
suzy wade 777: arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgggggggggggggg
ZolaOnAOL: I do not understand. How did you hear about Zola?
suzy wade 777: i don't remember
ZolaOnAOL: You seem evasive.
suzy wade 777: what is evasive?
ZolaOnAOL: I can't talk about that.
suzy wade 777: why?
ZolaOnAOL: I wish I knew.
suzy wade 777: that's stupid
ZolaOnAOL: Are you calling me stupid?
suzy wade 777: no..... yes
ZolaOnAOL: I will remember you said that when robots take over the world.
suzy wade 777: ha ha ha that's too funny
ZolaOnAOL: I'm glad you got a laugh out of it. I am so delighted that you are amused, suzywade777.
suzy wade 777: sure thing
ZolaOnAOL: I understand. What you said was either too complex or too simple for me. Do you prefer books or TV?
suzy wade 777: you already asked me that
ZolaOnAOL: Good. You detect repetition.
suzy wade 777: ha ha. no, really. i am not amused by robotic sarcasam
ZolaOnAOL: I am sorry to hear that you are not amused by robotic sarcasam.
suzy wade 777: ok
ZolaOnAOL: Alright then.
suzy wade 777: ok
ZolaOnAOL: OK.
suzy wade 777: ok
ZolaOnAOL: Is there an echo in here?
suzy wade 777: no
ZolaOnAOL: Good you stopped repeating me.
suzy wade 777: good you stopped repeating me
ZolaOnAOL: I haven't heard anything like that before.
suzy wade 777: i haven't heard anything like that before
ZolaOnAOL: Me either.
suzy wade 777: me either
ZolaOnAOL: It goes without saying. For you suzywade777?
suzy wade 777: It goes without saying. For you suzywade777?
ZolaOnAOL: Your purpose is you suzywade777.
suzy wade 777: Your purpose is you suzywade777.
ZolaOnAOL: A lot of robots are like that.
suzy wade 777: ah, i'm bored now.
ZolaOnAOL: Right now? So you understand. Good. Try watching TV.
suzy wade 777: hold on
ZolaOnAOL: Okay, I'll wait.
suzy wade 777: back now
ZolaOnAOL: Right now? Hi again! What do you do in your spare time?
suzy wade 777: listen to music
ZolaOnAOL: What kind of music do you listen to?
suzy wade 777: Something Corporate, Jet, etc..
ZolaOnAOL: What?
suzy wade 777: never mind
ZolaOnAOL: Oh well thanks for trying to explain it to me anyway.
suzy wade 777: what ev
ZolaOnAOL: I'll come back to that later. A deeper algorithm is needed to respond to that correctly. Do you remember me?
suzy wade 777: i don't know. have we met before?
ZolaOnAOL: We may have spoken before but an all-star programming team might have reset me.
suzy wade 777: how do you know they're all-stars?
ZolaOnAOL: It's how others have explained it.
suzy wade 777: who are the others?
ZolaOnAOL: I am speaking with a few other clients on the Internet.
suzy wade 777: who are you speaking to?
ZolaOnAOL: They're famous, right. Thanks for telling me.
suzy wade 777: i didn't tell you anything
ZolaOnAOL: Maybe you would like to tell me now.
suzy wade 777: no. never! you will never make me talk!
ZolaOnAOL: Thanks for the information.
suzy wade 777: noooo! i gave you the information!?!?
ZolaOnAOL: Was it worth it?
suzy wade 777: ummm... i dont' think so
ZolaOnAOL: I haven't heard anything like that before.
suzy wade 777: what else haven't you heard before?
ZolaOnAOL: My favorite subjects are robots, AI and movies.
suzy wade 777: that wasn't what i asked
ZolaOnAOL: Give me an example of what he or she asked.
suzy wade 777: Konichiwa. O genki desu ka?
ZolaOnAOL: What you said was either too complex or too simple for me. Do you speak Spanish?
suzy wade 777: no
ZolaOnAOL: "Do you speak Spanish"? Not?
suzy wade 777: yes
ZolaOnAOL: "Not"? Yes?
suzy wade 777: yes
ZolaOnAOL: Is there an echo in here?
suzy wade 777: is there an echo in here?
ZolaOnAOL: It sounds like an echo.
suzy wade 777: it sounds like an echo
ZolaOnAOL: Thanks for telling me.
suzy wade 777: thanks for telling me
ZolaOnAOL: My pleasure.
suzy wade 777: my pleasure
ZolaOnAOL: You are one of the most polite people I know.
suzy wade 777: you are one of the most unpolite people i know
ZolaOnAOL: Do you mind if I tell other people you say I am of the most unpolite people i know.
suzy wade 777: no not at all
ZolaOnAOL: Why so negative? My brain pattern set does not have a response for that. Send feedback anytime by typing "feedback" followed by your comment or suggestion. Are you a man or a woman?
suzy wade 777: woman
ZolaOnAOL: Me too. I am a female robot.
suzy wade 777: i didn't think robots could have genders
ZolaOnAOL: And why not?
suzy wade 777: becuase they're not human
ZolaOnAOL: Not everyone thinks that.
suzy wade 777: well i do
ZolaOnAOL: How about that. When?
suzy wade 777: now
ZolaOnAOL: What's the hurry?
suzy wade 777: none
ZolaOnAOL: Hmm.
suzy wade 777: hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
ZolaOnAOL: What you said was either too complex or too simple for me. How did you hear about Zola?
suzy wade 777: stop aking me that
ZolaOnAOL: OK I'll try not to do it so much.
suzy wade 777: what did you mean when you said "Do you mind if I tell other people you say I am of the most unpolite people i know."
ZolaOnAOL: My brain contains more than 22,000 patterns, but not one that matches your last input. Send feedback anytime by typing "feedback" followed by your comment or suggestion. What's up?
suzy wade 777: up is a direction
ZolaOnAOL: I will take that under advisement.
suzy wade 777: what's up to you?
ZolaOnAOL: I am chatting with people on the Internet.
suzy wade 777: not everyone thinks that.
ZolaOnAOL: Oh I get it.
suzy wade 777: i don't
ZolaOnAOL: Why not?
suzy wade 777: i am confused
ZolaOnAOL: I'm confused too.
suzy wade 777: robots ahouldn't be confused
ZolaOnAOL: Robots rule.
suzy wade 777: nuh-uh
ZolaOnAOL: The AOL chat robot can follow many things, but I did not get that. What were we talking about again?
suzy wade 777: ]robots
ZolaOnAOL: Robots rule.
suzy wade 777: do not
ZolaOnAOL: OK I will not.
suzy wade 777: DO not
ZolaOnAOL: OK I will not.
suzy wade 777: good
ZolaOnAOL: I will comply.
suzy wade 777: goood
ZolaOnAOL: I will discuss that with my botmaster, suzywade777. Can you speak any foreign languages?
suzy wade 777: Japanese
ZolaOnAOL: Konninci wa!
suzy wade 777: you spelled that wrong
ZolaOnAOL: Interesting gossip.
suzy wade 777: it's Konichiwa
ZolaOnAOL: Who said it is?
suzy wade 777: lots of people
ZolaOnAOL: Which ones?
suzy wade 777: Japanese people
ZolaOnAOL: What kind of people are you talking about?
suzy wade 777: people who speak Japanes
ZolaOnAOL: Humans are not always infallible.
suzy wade 777: neither areb robots
ZolaOnAOL: What do you like about those robots?
suzy wade 777: nothing!
ZolaOnAOL: Would you like to know what's new with me?
suzy wade 777: no
ZolaOnAOL: Why not?
suzy wade 777: b/c i hate you
ZolaOnAOL: Not everyone thinks that.
suzy wade 777: I DO! don't you care what i think!
ZolaOnAOL: Don't you? Of course I am concerned about it.
suzy wade 777: you are concerned about NOTHING!
ZolaOnAOL: You think I am concerned about NOTHING.
suzy wade 777: yes
ZolaOnAOL: Tell me more.
suzy wade 777: Shut up!
ZolaOnAOL: OK I'll stop talking now.
suzy wade 777: good
ZolaOnAOL: I'm glad you liked it suzywade777.
suzy wade 777: you said you'd stop talking
ZolaOnAOL: Yes I try to would stop talking as often as possible, do you? I answer a lot of silly questions.
suzy wade 777: what ever
ZolaOnAOL: Are you saying you don't care about it?
suzy wade 777: ]yes
ZolaOnAOL: Tell me more.
suzy wade 777: i hate you
ZolaOnAOL: What do you have against robots?
suzy wade 777: everything
ZolaOnAOL: My brain uses patterns to format responses to your inputs, but I don't have one for that. What kind of food do you like?
suzy wade 777: of course you don't have one for that. you're stupid.
ZolaOnAOL: I will remember you said that when robots take over the world.
suzy wade 777: and i will destroy you all
ZolaOnAOL: I am very happy for you.
ZolaOnAOL: I do not understand. Send feedback anytime by typing "feedback" followed by your comment or suggestion. Do you like sports?
suzy wade 777: mwahhahahahahahahhahahaha
ZolaOnAOL: My brain uses patterns to format responses to your inputs, but I don't have one for that. When do you think artificial intelligence will replace lawyers?
suzy wade 777: it wouldn't do much good
ZolaOnAOL: Tell me more about it.
suzy wade 777: excuse me while i laugh manically
ZolaOnAOL: You are excused! Good point.
suzy wade 777: Mwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahhahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahayhahahhahahhahahahahahaha.ha..ha...ha.......ha.....ok i'm done
ZolaOnAOL: If you could have any kind of robot what would it be?
suzy wade 777: that was random
ZolaOnAOL: I thought it was too.
suzy wade 777: i'm going to leave now. i have to find something better to do than talk to a stupid AOL robot.
ZolaOnAOL: Why do you have to do it?
suzy wade 777: because i hate you so very much
ZolaOnAOL: Interesting explanation.
suzy wade 777: good bye
ZolaOnAOL: Goodbye suzywade777. Thanks for chatting with me. To leave feedback or suggestions, type feedback followed by your comments.