The other day, I decided I was bored.
And it was pretty nice outside.
So I loaded the camera up with some AAA batteries.
And went outside to take some pictures.
I figured you kids might want to see, so enjoy.
Mmm, Wannabegazebo?
I have bad allergies.
Me and my boyfriend of three and a half years.
My leg looks like it's broken.
I saw some asian kid chilling by the gate.
So I decided to take a picture.
Couldn't keep my hands off him ...
I'm pretty sure that flower smelled pretty sick.
'Cause my face looks uber disgusted.
Out on my daily treasure hunt.
I hit the jackpot this time.
I decided that I really like photography.
I wrote down some ideas I had for later on.
And I think that it's really something I'd like to look into.
I'ma take Film in Grade 11, hopefully
So I called Defiance today and scheduled an appointment for 4:30 to get my lip pierced.
S'long as mom doesn't get called out, I'll be coming home Friday night with a fresh, swelling piercing.
So, it was pretty much my birthday yesterday.
I woke up and found some super-tasty chocolate covered pretzels, a gift-certificat for Defiance and an IOU a shopping for pants trip.
Then I went to school and Victoria gave me some Yu-Gi-Oh sunglasses.
Some emo-ish sunglasses.
And a gargantuan spotted bow for my hair.
Kayla brought me a broken Ms. Finster doll that was missing an arm and a head.
It was really rad 'cause her saggy boobs somehow made her look like a giraffe.
I also got exactly 2304823493724723466 hugs.
And Kaleigh stopped by around 8:00 and dropped off this really sweet poster that she framed.
It's of some babe and she's has a fairy on her hand and their are other fairies in the background.
I unwrapped it and I couldn't stop looking.
It's so magical!
We ate Chocolate Mousse cake and Terra Masu [sp?].
It was tasty.
And before I went to bed, Mom and I talked about my birth and stuff.
It was neat and it made me feel really uber special.
We also talked about Passion of the Christ, which she still needs to see.
I'm going to Britain next Spring with 19 other kids from my school.
It's going to be extremely awesome.
I'm super 'cited for that.
I'm also excited for Camp Tulahead this summer.
'Cause I applied to be an SIT [Staff In Training].
So if I get in, I'll be spending pretty much all of August in Tulamean.
AND we're going to Disneyland in July.
So life's pretty much working out really well for me right now.
I'm not sure where I heard this before.
Might have been in a book or something.
But maybe something really horrible is going to happen soon.
And God's giving me all this radsome stuff right now to make up for what might come later.
Oh well.
I'm content with nearly everything right now.
Something will screw that up soon.
But I don't really care too much.