Here's whats up. I have two VERY different things to write about so I'm doing to separate them into two different entries because they really have nothing to do with eachother
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Those feelings are most DEFINETLY not irrational, they are perfectly normal and sane and OKAY...and yes, it does not make sense....but then again, it's not supposed to, okay? ~Kelly
Waste of time? More like time well spent. Okay, so here's my advice for this entry: I think it's absolutely normal to feel like this. It's loss and love and being a teenager and feeling so completely attached to someone that when they're not there, you're not all there. If one of us is gone for like...more than two weeks, we all start to feel a bit empty inside. It's the same thing with him, he's gone for a couple of days and you start to freak out because you can't take it. Who says that you shouldn't be doing that? No one. Nobody's ever said that it's not normal to feel lonely when the people you love are gone. So just be crazy and confused and scared and worried for this one week. Just know that he'll be back by the next week and in the meantime, just occupy your mind with things that make you happy and be with people you love coughS7cough. And one more thing, I'm always, always, here for you.
Thanks so much Tessy you always give the best advice when I feel like I'm losing/ I've lost my mind. You're like my rock lol you bring me back down and steady me when I'm all over the place. Thank you for being such an amazing sister, I love you molto molto. <3
Comments 4
2. There is nothing wrong with you. You are not crazy, you are not stupid, you are normal.
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