Title: Taking Back My Love (6/??) Pairing: Daniel Agger/Martin Skrtel, David Villa, Fernando Torres/ Sergio Ramos (later) Rating: PG13 Disclaimer: nothing is real! Summary: Martin was in an abusive relationship. This is a AU fic!
I'm now understanding Danial reasons, which still dosent make what he did to Martin right. I want to know if those photos are true or is it Sergo's evil doing.
With the kind of life he lived before Sergio rescued him I can relate to a 20 year old Daniel who is heartless, selfish and someone who is unhappy even though he has all the money and power that he could possibly ask for. I found it quite endearing that despite the access to drugs and easy sex he still chose to read books above all
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i already typed up the next chapter. maybe i'll post it tonight or tomorrow. i think this is going to be a long fic. i intend to add more characters as the fic progresses. i feel like there is no way to justify what daniel did to martin.. but i hope readers can understand that daniel's biggest downfall is that he loves martin too deeply.
i can't promise a happy or sad ending. ahahahahah just expect the plot to get a lot messier before getting any better!!
Comments 5
i think this is going to be a long fic. i intend to add more characters as the fic progresses.
i feel like there is no way to justify what daniel did to martin.. but i hope readers can understand that daniel's biggest downfall is that he loves martin too deeply.
i can't promise a happy or sad ending. ahahahahah just expect the plot to get a lot messier before getting any better!!
thank you for the comment, you are a darling!
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