I didnt have to go to school today yay!!!!!!! Everyone look at my user info lol I figured out how to do some stuff on there!!
School Life
What's your school's mascot?: Eagle
School color(s)?: black and orange
Who is your favorite teacher?: Ugh I have none
What do they teach?: Nothing
Is this your favorite class?: Dance I guess
Do you use any instant messengers?: Yeah.
If so, which ones?: AIM.
Do you have a digital camera?: Yeah.
3 Favorite Bands:: Blink182, Cold, New Found Glory
Do you go to concerts and/or shows?: I would if I could
What is the most you've ever spent on a concert/show?: IDK
What is the least you've ever spent?: Free.
Do you think buying merch at a concert then wearing it there is corny?: Umm No.
Do you listen to any bands that you'd be ashamed to admit to listening to?: A few
Word Association
Blue:: Sky.
Camera:: Picture
Boy:: Ass
Pretty:: Sad
Pants:: Clothes
Music:: Rock
God:: Faith
Sweater:: Hot
Live Journal:: Writing..
Do you think labels are dumb?: Yeah.
What do people label you as?: Sometimes Punk/Goth and sometimes Normal
Which Is Worse?
Physical Pain/Emotional Pain?: Emotional.
Blink-182/Good Charlotte?: Neither.
Being Deaf/Being Blind?: Being blind.
Being Bored/Rushing around because you have too much to do?: Rushing.
Losing your dominant leg/Losing your dominant arm?: Dominant arm.
Do you believe theres a difference between "love" and "in love"?: Yeah.
Is it better to have loved and lossed than to have never loved at all?: Yes and No
Are you romantic?: Yes, I think.
Are you in a relationship now?: I guess you kight call it that?
If not, how long have you been single?: Psh for some odd reason I cant stay single for longer than a week?
War: Good or Bad?: Bad.
Who's skankier: Britney Spears or Paris Hilton?: Paris Hilton.
What is it with guys and cars?: I honestly don't know?
Do you sing?: Yeah dont you?
If so, what part (Soprano 1,Alto 2, et cetera)?: Alto
Kiss or hug?: Both.
What color is your room?: Soon to be black and white.
How old is your mom?: 42.
Black and white or color photos?: Black and white.
Who cuts your hair?: Grate clips Ugh they always mess it up!
What color is your toothbrush?: White and green
What color is your hair brush?: Black.
What kind of hair products do you use?: Shampoo.
Is K-Mart just the poor man's Wal-Mart?: No.
Are you sexy?: Not really.
What color do people tell you looks nice on you?: Black and umm I dotn know?
What color do you think looks nice on you?: Blue.
Clothes shopping or grocery shopping?: Clothes.
Who do you sit with at lunch? Michael B, Rob, Mary, Michael, Philup, and Fresman.
Do you like the sound of your own voice when you hear it played back?: No.
Who has the nicest speaking voice that you know?: Lindy I guess
Do you prefer to date people younger, older, or the same age as you?: Older or the same age.
Do you listen to songs on repeat often?: Yeah.
Who was the last person you hung out with?: Michael but soon to be Sabrina
What did you and that person do?: Hang out at my house and go to church.
Are you a people-pleaser?: Yeah I get sad when I hurt or make people mad
Do you dye your hair regularly?: No.
What about your eyebrows?: No.
Do you wear makeup?: Yeah.
Does your mom like the song "Hey Ya" by OutKast?: Ugh yes!
Something important on your desk: My computer.
When you sleep you wear: Shorts and a tshirt
If you could afford it at the moment, you would buy: A car and a new house and a new wordrobe
Something you don't have a lot of: Socks and Money
If your house was burning and you could only save 3 items what would they be: My cds, Jounal and poembook, and my clothes.
If there were no side effects, you would enjoy being addicted to: Drinking
A time when you purposly hurt someone emotionally: Calling Jessie a whore
A time you accidentally hurt someone emotionally: Rob in some way IDK he would never show it if I did and I called MK gay once.
One person you have killed in your thoughts: Rob
Three traits you look for in a friend: Trustworthy, someone you can talk to about all your problems, and someone fun to hang out with.
Who makes you laugh most often: Sabrina
A friend who you can tell anything: Lindy Sabrina and Michael
A friend you can go to for advice: Lindy and Sabrina
The best piece of advice you had been given: "Screw him he isnt worth it" Lindy
Two closest friends: I have three so screw this question Lindy, Sabrin, and Michael
The friend who uses most of your energy: Sabrina
Your 3 best qualities: I care what other people feel, I like to be funny, I am a good listiner.
Your 3 worst qualities: I get depressed alot, im alittle bossy, I get jelous alot
The greatest emotional pain you ever endured: When Rob dumped me and broke my heart twice. That ass!! And Feeling ignored and under pressure at home.
Moment you are most ashamed of: Things I have done with Rob
Your best physical feature: Eyes
Who/What makes you happy: Sabrina Lindy and sometimes Michael, Feeling wanted.
Who/what makes you sad: Rob Rob Rob Rob Rob.....that ass!! And seeing other people hurting emotional or phsyical
Emotion you hide most: Jealousy and I try to hind being mad and depressed but people say you can see that in my eyes
The emotion you tend to experience most: Happiness and love
The emotion you are feeling most lately: Depressed.
When you are angry you need: To be alone
When you are in love you need: The person I love
One of your most peaceful memories: Me being alone
One of your most tragic memories: Rob that asss fuck, Michael D, Me cutting, And alot of other crap...
One of your angriest memories: Rob fuck face! He found his g/f lied to him about being pregnate but staied with her, and my brother being an ass
A memory that makes you laugh: lol All the times with Sabrina and Lauren
Two things appealing about people: Personality/intrest and sense of humor.
A personality trait you find appealing: Sense of humor and careing about everyone
Your secret passion: Writeing poetery but it sux
What you enjoy most about having a committed relationship: . The feeling of security, knowing that you have someone who's there for you who isn't your family, being loved, being able to love someone unconditionally, having someone who accepts you for who you are, Haveing another best friend
DO you have a bf/gf if yes who? Yes, Michael Beamon
What do you find sexy about them: Ummm personality
A place where you want to have sex: Ugh yuck
A strange place where you have had sex: Once again yuck.
What drives you crazy (in a good way) about this person: He loves me
What music is on when you have sex, or is it the tv?: Never had sex sorry to disapoint you
Favorite song to have sex to: El nothing
Describe your mate physicaly: See user info
Describle your mate's personality: Funny sometimes clingy, gets mad easy but over it fast, posesive.