Ok so I was looking through the photos on my phone and decided to post some of the artwork that I've taken photo's of. I'm putting them into cut's because there are a few of them =D
As the title say's these two pieces are fanart tests of trying out his style. They were done earlier this year.
The joys of fanart and doodling! All of these were also done earlier this year.
Ironman =D
Ariel the Little Mermaid believe it or not >_> well my quick I can't remember what she looks like doodle in pen rendition. So in all it really doesn't look that much like her.
An attempt of Hellboy inspired from an awesome example of him. My version doesn't do the original any justice but it was a look at lighting and using diffent colour paper and white chalk to get the effect. Wonderful idea! Really bad photo I know but it was taken on my mobile phone so quality does lack.
The first two are drawn from photos so semi life but not proper life drawings done summer this year. The last ones are original sketches all done within the last 3 months.
An attempt at drawing Angelina Jolie, I could have done with adding more shading and finishing the picture. I may go back to it and complete it properly.
A sketch of Byland Abbey in York.
Design for Ellen, the sketch for the picture I coloured in the previous post.
The more finalized design for the character alongside Ellen.
A random sketch I did last night.
I did this at work today, it's amazing what a pen and xbox stock checks can produce! His eye was originally a number 1 with a circle around it, just escalated from there.
Thus ends todays post. I've got next week off at long last so i'm planning on getting some work done, mainly on my website. I got the details so I can seriously start work on it and get it redesigned up and ready for updating. In the mean time I'm hoping to get some more designs sorted and get some colour work finished. Here's to working!