Hi there!!
This journal is friends locked for personal reasons. If you've ended up here from my icon/graphics community @
champagnetoast, or if you've simply come across my profile on a search or meme, welcome! *waves & offers cookies*
If we don't have a lot in common, you may get sick of my obsessive fangirling. But if that's not an issue for you, you're welcome here. I generally don't mind adding just about anyone, as long as I don't know you in real life for any reason, especially not from work and/or family... because then I won't be able to complain about that stuff here and I'm too lazy to keep up with filters properly. =o)
Sometimes I don't post a lot or comment a lot. Other times it might seem like you just can't get rid of me. It really all depends on my mood.
Likes Obsessions:
+ Heath Slater
+ WWE Wrestling
+ Primeval (TV)
+ James Roday
+ Psych
+ House M.D.
+ Grey's Anatomy
+ Warehouse 13
+ Burn Notice
+ White Collar
+ Supernatural
+ Bon Jovi
+ AM Taxi
+ Lucky Boys Confusion
+ Other random shit
FYI: I don't do many. I'm picky.
+ Psych [Shawn/Jules]
+ Leverage [Nate/Sophie]
+ House M.D. [House/Cuddy]
+ Criminal Minds [Morgan/Garcia]
+ Veronica Mars [Logan/Veronica]
+ Grey's Anatomy [MerDer, Izzie/Denny]
+ Ugly Betty [Daniel/Betty]
Things I am *not* into and you won't find here:
+ Doctor Who/Torchwood
+ Harry Potter
+ Lord of the Rings
+ Lost
+ Twilight
+ Gossip Girl/90210/Glee (or anything similar)
+ Slash fic (very few minor exceptions)
If you've been added and want to read about where to find me, other randomness about me or my musical tastes, or to fill out something to help me learn about you, you can click
Comment if you'd like to be added. =o)