k sooooo lets see summers been awesome. uh duh. oh yah! summer 05 biatch!
on friday my mom nd michelles mom showed up to
pick us up from camp wen low nd behold mike nd jacki walk in nd i jump
on them ofcourse lol. then my mom nd jacki mike nd me went to bath n
body where we literally held mike down nd sprayed him with a bunch of
perfume nd stuff nd then went out to eat. blah blah blah, then we
dropped mike off picked up danielle went nd got junk food nd went bak 2
my casa. my mom left to pick ^ my stepdad nd we baked a cake nd had a
suprise bday party with us 4 her. it wuz awesome. then we yada yada'd
nd hung out nd then slept. Saturday we woke up
my mom dropped us off @ the florida mall nd we met up with mike nd
j-skinny nd his cuz. did some serious mall damage chilled nd then
jackiz mom took us to get ready nd then to waterfrd. we just chilled
wlkd around hung with the original pplz + morghan nd went 4 ice cream.
dani left nd then we saw a movie. dont rem which one tho nd i
went back 2 jackiz casa @ like 1. Sunday me
nd jacki were bums tht slept till like 12 nd then just chilled. ate.
went online nd did the norm. then her mom dropped me off @ daniellaz nd
i got ready for club paris @ danielles house ((jacki didnt wnt to go =(
how sad )) then my mom came nd picked me nd danielle up nd we went
around downtown 4 awhile looking @ all the places my mom normally goes
to...thorton prk nd wt not. then my mom dropped us off @ club paris. me
nd dani waited 4 evry1 else just chilled. caught up with kiaya danielle
nd brittany nd jillian nd lindy nd veronica. decided to get VIP with
lindy jill nd vero an chilled upstairs @ our own private reserved
table, free drinks own dance floor nd evrything. then met up with
bianca,gaston,krystal,kathy (krystals cuz) the other
kathy,matt,sabrina,karla nd karlas cuz nd jacky n. nd we all danced nd
chilled. dani won this booty contest props 2 her. something happened
tht rlly rlly pissed me off nd b4 i did nething i wlkd away 4rm the
group nd chilled with vero nd jill. then calmed down nd went back 2 the
rest of the group. danced like crzy. karla took me dani nd jacky n bak
2 jackys house. my mom picked us ^ 4rm there nd then me nd dani went
bak 2 my house chilled she went to sleep. i made a new s/n.
Ang3lPumpingGas. cuz i love tht song with a passion nd yada yada now
its monday nd who knows wts going down. mayb roxy. but i doubt it.
we made mike go into american eagle
the guyz kept in PIMPIN
nd the ladiez kept it fresh
+ loser-ish
me dani nd jill. black nd white
us again but in color this tyme
me nd jillian
nd me nd dani.
JILL ME DANI ND VERO= the hottest VIP club paris has evr seen
oh yes nd let it be known tht