Poland - part 2

Jan 23, 2006 20:48

Day in Krakow or a little adventure.

The next day we got up very early and went to the city center . Our group had to go to Warsaw at 2 pm after an ecursion and we wanted to stay in Krakow till the evening and of course we didn't go with them...

But we could feel the athmosphere of the city. I was impressed by a rich history of Krakow, which is full of legends, secrets and stories...I would write this in LJ but i m afraid the post would be quite big in this way and nobody wouldn't read it..

We walked in the historical center of Krakow,
  on the streets where each house has its story...

Every house is decorated by the symbol of its owner: if it is a painter there will be a composition of brushes and a palette or something like that; if there lived a famous grandee there will be his emblem.

We also were in the castle of Wawel about which i told to you before... it is such a beautiful castle!!! Here there are some summer pictures of it:



 some swans near castle - >

From the hill on which the castle stand we could see a magnificent wiev of Krakow. it was just wonderful!!

We were a bit frozen after the castle so we decided to go to one of cafe in the city center. ass they told in the guidebook everyhting is more cheap if you are near the center. :)

After that we continued our excursion and visited two churches - of St. Dominick and St. Francisk (don't how how to write their names in english) if i m not mystaken this is the church of St.Dominick - > 
  Then we had a unique chance because we bought the ticket for a concert, which were carried on in the church of St. Peter and Paul, where we were listenning to music of Mozart, Haendel, Vivaldi, Bach and others...
 но все-таки это уже что-то...

After going on different streets and squares, buying souvenirs, CD with folk music and eating yummy food at the Main Square we decided to go to the railway station...on the way to there we droped in one pub...and the time was 10pm...when we came to the railway stationа it cames out the the last express to Warsaw had gone 5 minutes ago... so we had to do only one thing - to buy tickets for the first train (express) and go to find a hotel to sleep. We did this way. and there was a hotel near the station..
 the price was rather low and *** 3stars... very very good! we went to bed very quickly because we had to get up very early - at 5 am and there was already 1am...

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