Sorry for the spam. ;)
Putting together some spoilers, it looks like Christian is going to get breast cancer (yes, men can get it), or possibly prostate cancer.
We know Christian gets sick (a doctor says he doesn't have good news, Lizzy takes care of him, and he apparently marries her so Wilbur will be taken care of if he dies).
Kimber tells Christian "it's karma." Christian loves breasts and has done hundreds of implants in women. On the other hand, he loves his dick. ;)
In a new clip, Christian makes reference to
tamoxifen, which is a drug for the treatment of breast cancer. It's also used in men to treat side effects of prostate cancer treatments.
There was a casting side for a body double for Julian -- a bald body double. Chemo?
There was another spoilers about Christian getting pec implants, which would make sense if he has to have surgery to remove cancerous breast tissue.