I'm so happy they aren't glossing over everything that's happened to the Doctor since season 1. Actually building on it, even though they don't directly reference it all the time. And learning that the Doctor does indeed have a ginger fetish...
Its cute that the Doctor seems to be crushing on Pond. As in REALLY CRUSHING on Pond, though it's also making him look AGAIN at how he's a jackass who abandons people once they stop being interesting. Which is true, or else he's forced to leave them behind. Makes you wonder if this time he'll actually get to keep up with seeing them again. Though seeing Rory and Amy be all lovu lovu is just fricken adorable. Its good she's not MADLY IN LOVE with the Doctor, even though he does seem to like her quite a bit...
And the fact that the idea of Amy being pregnant (or anyone having children near him at all) throws him off.. That was awesome XD "You're pregnant!" I don't think he handles children very well at his age. and the pedophile implications were adorable. Its nice to see the Doctor thinks so highly of himself. Now we'll get to see how well the Doctor fairs not being the center of attention all the time with Amy.
One thing though, its sad it took til Rory "died" for Amy to realize she loved him. What if they WERE in reality then? Silly girl. And she still hasn't said 'I love you' to Rory.
Next week: Creepy underground monsters go nom nom nom.